As of January 6, 2025
Southbound Ft Crook Road is closed at Capehart due to bridge work until further notice
The intersection of 192nd both under Dodge and on the Expressway; lane restrictions and overnight ramp closures (1/7)
Dodge/HWY 6 various lane restrictions in both directions between Skyline Dr/218th to 168th until February 2025
Florence BLVD Read to Sharon is closed (1/6) (This is still showing as active on construction map 1/7/2025)
(Residential) Burdette 28th Ave to 29th St is closed (1/9)
(Residential) 25th Patrick to Burdette lane restrictions (1/10)
(Residential) 40th Pinkney to Pratt St is closed (1/31)
(Residential) lane restriction on Pratt St from 40th St to 40th Ave (1/31)
(Residential) Intersection of 29th and Erskin is closed (1/9)
Northbound 30th St just south of Lake from Decatur St to Erskin St lane restrictions (2/2)
72nd St between Bedford Ave and Maple lane restrictions both directions (North of Maple) (1/30)
Westbound Maple 80th to 81st the left lane closed for a water main break (1/16)
Westbound Maple at 88th lane restrictions (1/16)
72nd Maple north to Bedford lan restrictions in both directions due to a water main break (1/30)
Northbound NW Radial HWY Hamilton to Charles lane restrictions due to a water main break (1/8)
50th is closed Hamilton to Charles (1/8)
Fort St various lane restrictions both directions 122nd Ct to 114th (1/18)
24th Hamilton to Caldwell lane restrictions (1/15)
21st and Nicholas (Behind MAPA on Cuming) lane restrictions (1/15)
12th St Izard to Nicholas is closed (3/27)
Capital Ave is closed 9th to 10th (1/25)
Farnam lane restrictions at 16th (1/31)
Farnam lane restrictions at 20th (1/22)
Douglas AND Farnam lane restriction 14th to 15th (2026)
14th is closed Douglas to Farnam (2026)
15th lane restrictions Douglas to Farnam (2026)
15th Howard to Harney lane restrictions (1/15)
16th is closed Harney to Farnam (TFN)
Harney at 15th lane restrictions (1/16)
Howard 20th to 21st lane restrictions (1/8)
20th lane restrictions between Burt and Cuming (1/13)
Northbound 30th Dodge to Lincoln Blvd/480 off ramp lane restrictions (1/14)
Harney lane restrictions 37th St to 39th St (1/30)
Eastbound Farnam 33rd to Turner Blvd lane restrictions (Beginning Monday 1/6) (5/3)
Farnam 37th to 40th St lane restrictions (1/30)
37th St is closed Farnam to Harney (2/28)
19th Leavenworth to Jackson lane restrictions (1/15)
17th is closed south of Jackson (9/2026)
Dodge westbound at 17th the right lane closed due to a water main break (1/13)
Abbott from Carter Blvd to Pratt Ct various lane restrictions (3/3)
20th and Poppleton lane restrictions in the intersection (1/9)
23rd St is closed G St to F St (1/10)
Southbound 13th William to Pine lane restrictions (3/31)
13th Northbound Z St to Y St right lane closed (1/10)
Intersection of Saddle Creek and Leavenworth; various lane restrictions (1/10)
Eastbound Center 49th to 50th the right lane is closed (1/13)
Southbound 42nd St Center to Frances Right lane closed (1/16)
Northbound 50th (approaching Dodge) Howard to Farnam lane restrictions (1/7)
Eastbound Dodge 48th to 46th right lane closed (7/1)
Eastbound Dodge 46th to the Saddle Creek exit right lane closed (8/2025)
48th is closed Dodge to Douglas (7/1)
Eastbound Q St 122nd to 123rd (5/30)
Westbound Harrison 107th St to 108th St lane restrictions (1/15)
72nd Northbound F St to I-80 is CLOSED You CAN get to F st and head east or west (1/8)
Southbound 67th F St to J St lane restrictions (1/14)
(This is still showing as active on construction map 1/6/2025)