This weekend was supposed to be Chuck Wagon weekend, but after the snow, they cancelled it as they didn't know if the boys would be able to pull the wagon around the pond. So a packed weekend turned in to a very relaxing weekend.
Friday was a big day as I got my stitches out! And I had a visit to Haas Dental to make sure all my teeth were good! I got the thumbs up and now to keep up with scar cream and NO SUN! ARGH that might be the worse news ever for this sun loving girl. Friday night had some friends over and called it a night.
Saturday, Dylan had basketball practice, a visit to my folks, some shopping at Dick's for all our baseball gear. Saturday night our friend's band, Hell on Heels, was playing at the East Side Club. I didn't take any pics, oops! But I saw so many listeners and had a great time dancing and singing!
Sunday, was another relaxing kind of day! Filled with cooking! Chicken parm lasagna and eggplant parm and Dylan created a lasagna sandwich. He was very proud!
Hope you had a great weekend!