I reviewed the Misfits Market Box on my Cooking on a Budget a couple weeks back but figured I would keep you posted on my orders. I have received 3 boxes so far and I was actually so happy that I had ordered this before I knew I had Covid because I didn’t have to worry about grocery shopping while we were quarantined. My big freezer is always stocked with sale meats I buy and then with the fresh veggies and fruits coming right to my door every Monday I was in luck! I am even getting the kids involved in hopes they try and like new things! Parker is so set in his ways that he only likes green beans, cucumbers, carrots and broccoli. He needs to broaden his vegetable horizon!! So now they pick out foods that they want me to order and then they have to try one new thing a week! So far so good, but after my two boxes I downsized my box because we couldn’t eat all the food fast enough. Week 3 the smaller box came in and was perfect size for this week. Next week we took off because we are on vacation and probably won't be cooking to much at home. My plan might be one of the Madness boxes a month and than smaller boxes, Mischief box, the rest of the month. I really enjoy ordering at least one different veggie each week and creating a new recipe with that item. The only problem I am finding is that you can't pick out how many of each items so one week we ate probably 8 summer squash. And I ate a lot of sweet potatoes one week too, but hey a lot of veggies can't hurt anyone! I am sticking with it!
Do you get Misfits Boxes? How do you like them? Any recipes to share with me?
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