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I was going to stop at 3 sessions, but after talking with Dawn about my 3rd session which was a CryoSlimming she recommended we do 2 more sessions, both for CryoToning. That would tighten up the loose skin after the CryoSlimming sessions. It makes sense, the slimming sessions freeze the fat and then your skin gets looser . . .just like when you lose weight. So I went in for a CryoToning Session and again I am always amazed with the after pics! No pain and just looking better after each visit! I even rocked a 2 piece after the last session! Yippee! "Dylan Dome" be gone forever!
603CryoSpa is offering a deal for our listeners right now. $375 certificate for $190. https://mnch.halfoffdeal.com/index.php?index_type=promo-detail&h=8100880
If you have any questions or want to know more from me or Dawn please feel free to reach out to either of us. Laura@morningbuzz.com
22 Greely Street, Suite 8B
Merrimack, New Hampshire
Call (603) 262-5482
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UPDATE 3! I went for another CryoSlimming session and am just about where I want to be! Next I will do a CryoToning session to tighten my skin. The question I get asked the most is about pain . . .I am very truthful when I tell you there is no pain at all. For CryoSlimming Dawn heats your skin up and then freezes it with the wand. It's actually kind of relaxing, ha ha! And the results I have seen are amazing. I feel so much better about my stomach! The pictures just prove how well my body has taken to this. 603CryoSpa is offering a deal for our listeners right now. $375 certificate for $190. https://mnch.halfoffdeal.com/index.php?index_type=promo-detail&h=8100880
If you have any questions or want to know more from me or Dawn please feel free to reach out to either of us. Laura@morningbuzz.com
22 Greely Street, Suite 8B
Merrimack, New Hampshire
Call (603) 262-5482
UPDATE: One week later, Thursday, June 13th I went for a CryoToning session at 603CryoSpa. This session was to tighten my skin. You can only do the CryoSlimming every other week, so this was just an in between to help with saggy, loose skin around my belly. When I went in I was measured and was down another 1/2 inch for the week since my initial 1 inch lost during my first session. The CryoToning session is a little different, no heat at first, just cold but Dawn was still constantly moving the wand so you are not in any pain during it. After my session, we measured again and was down another 1/2 inch, and today, Friday, I feel even slimmer. The CryoToning does make you a little more swollen than the CryoSlimming, but it didn't last long. So total so far is down 2 inches in one week and my skin looks so much better and I feel way less bloated with all that fat frozen off! The CryoToning is great for wrinkles, cellulite and overall smoother, tighter skin. Next Friday I will go back in for another CryoSlimming session! I will keep you posted, so far so good!
If you have any questions or want to know more from me or Dawn please feel free to reach out to either of us. Laura@morningbuzz.com
22 Greely Street, Suite 8B
Merrimack, New Hampshire
Call (603) 262-5482
Right now 603CryoSpa is offering a great deal for our listeners so they can give it a try. Here is more information on the discount. https://mnch.halfoffdeal.com/index.php?index_type=promo-detail&h=8100880&fbclid=IwAR3qM5BWayL9hdQSsn2zpd4A8Y4LUeBhzL5i90AG21pti-cK-K5WqSLstRM
Thursday, June 6, 2019
You all know me by now, I am not shy but I am a little embarressed to post these pics, but here I am! I won't hide who I am and I am here to share my experiences with all of you because I know I am not alone! In the last year I made a lifestyle change (and yes it's been a change and not a diet and I still do this daily) and do intermittent fasting everyday. It took me about 6 months to lose 30lbs and I still have maintained my weight loss and feel really great keeping up with this way of eating. Anyways, I work out Monday through Friday, I eat healthy majority of the time and I am at my goal weight. My issue, since having my boys, is my lower belly! I know I am not alone . . .we named mine the Deflated Dylan Dome. I do abs and my upper stomach is flat compared to my lower stomach! You get below that belly button and there is this pouch that I just had lost all faith in losing. A friend and listener, Dawn, told me about CryoSlimming and I started google searching images and reading everything I could about this noninvasive, no downtime procedure. Dawn opened 603CryoSpa in Merrimack and they do CryoSkin Treaments that can help me reach my goal and make me more comfortable in my skin! CryoSlimming isn't just done on bellies either, they can do legs, "bingo wings", chins, love handles, where ever your problem area is. Well, yesterday I went in to 603CryoSpa in Merrimack for my first session! It wasn't painful at all and so far no side effects except I feel slimmer, ha ha. I had to avoid sugar/carbs for 4-5 hours (or more) before and after the appointment but that's easy knowing that will get me the best results. I have to drink a lot of water to flush out the dead fat cells but it's as easy as that! Most customers lose 1/2 inch to 2 inches in their first session! My results, I LOST 1 INCH off my stomach! Oh my goodness! And your body continues to flush out this unwanted stubborn fat for up to 15 days. After this appointment I am going to go in for CryoToning which will lift and tighten my skin. This also helps with fine lines, wrinkles and under eye puffiness. I will keep you updated on that too. Here are my before and after pictures after just one session! Immediate results and I will be sure to keep taking pictures for the next 3 weeks so we can really see how this works. Yikes, I am so excited and I just left there! Dawn, let me know that if I maintain my healthy lifestyle, continue to work out and eat right this could stay off months to years (everyone's body is different)!
If you have any questions for me or Dawn at 603CryoSpa please email me laura@morningbuzz.com!
22 Greely Street, Suite 8B
Merrimack, New Hampshire
Call (603) 262-5482
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