1 of 1 Standing in front of "Vegas Vic" the famous neon sign in front of The Pioneer Club on Freemont Street.
1 of 1 My favorite picture of the trip. Our buddy Jack with two new friends!
1 of 1 Havin' our first drinks in Vegas! Left to right Kappy Karl, Broncos Ed, Alex, Johnny Chavez and Billy Gum (closest). We're at the "Whiskey Licker Up and Down" bar. (not kidding on the name:)
1 of 1 Trivia night was the entertainment during night 1--personal trivia about everyone in the group. I mean who know that "Fffin' Frank" had a tattoo of Minnie Mouse's vagina?! (Frank pictured far left)
1 of 1 Cowgirls on Freemont Street.
1 of 1 Tom, myself & Shawn
1 of 1 The Champions of mini-golf at the Twilight Zone, the Dark Shirt team!
1 of 1 The losing team. Jesus, they don't even care that they lost.
1 of 1 Toasting with my buddy Jack at the Cabinet of Curiosities inside the Horshoe Hotel. Great cozy bar with a Speakeasy attached!
1 of 1 Tricky photography! One of our guys (most likely drunk) was on his game with this pic
1 of 1 Johnny Chav, Tom, Jack, and Dennis. This was one of the few times on the trip that Dennis was sober.
1 of 1 The famous sportsbook at Circa Circa. Kappy Karl met his heroes Mitch & Pauly from VSIN's "Follow the Money." They broadcast live here. Circa is beautiful. I felt honored to lose $120 dollars here.
1 of 1
1 of 1 Under attack.
1 of 1 I always take an interesting jog while on vacation--this time passing a motel with a sign reading "Elvis slept here." It was amazing.
1 of 1 I was flexing under the waterfall in the Golden Nugget pool so as to attract the babes. None came.
1 of 1 My buddy Alex on the Mob Museum steps pondering life, and his next fancy gin drink.
1 of 1 Shawn and Ffffin' Frank on Freemont. They roomed together and mistakenly put on each other's underwear the 2nd morning when severely hungover.
1 of 1 We met this nice couple at Able Baker brewing. I can't remember their names--Sean overserved me.
1 of 1 Private detective John Chavez on the case.
1 of 1 Kappy Karl and myself. Kappy got hit with a vicious stomach problem for 36 hours but bounced back like a champ!