My Weekend: Birthday Dinner, Sunrise, Eagles, Pizza and a Goodbye

Well, I'll take a 3 day weekend any day, so there's that, right?

It made the 13+ inches of snow we got dumped on us at the house bearable, you know? I mean, it's beautiful and all, but I'm good for a while, thank you very much! hahah -

The weekend started with Valentines Day, which in our house is better known as "Valerie's Birthday" - and we kept up our almost 20 year tradition of grabbing reservations at our favorite restaurant, MC Perkins Cove in Ogunquit ME. The food, service and people there are all just top shelf and we've become friends with owners Javier and Dana through the years! We went with Valerie's brother Kevin and his wife Kathy and had a wonderful night!

Late night or not, I had to get out early on Saturday to see what Mother Nature had to offer, so I headed to Portland ME, and Cape Elizabeth! One of the most photgraphic places in New England is Portland Head Lighthouse at Fort Williams Park! And I could see the thin line of red light in the sky, under the clouds as I crossed the Casco Bay Bridge. That's always a good sign,,,

And the "Blue Hour" - the hour before sunrise - is always a beautiful thing to see. I always try to arrive at a sunrise shoot location an hour before the sun rises. Here's a couple from that morning-

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Photo: Apple Photos Clean Up

And you know I can't pass up a weekend and NOT find some eagles to photograph, right?

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Saturday night our Brew Crew hit "Earth Eagle" Brewing in Somersworth. Had the American Lager - and it was very good. Forgot to take pics, but remembered once we got to Portsmouth to grab a pizza-

I did stop by also to see the last days of our old radio building- the WHEB building in Portsmouth was torn down over the weekend. Don't know how far along they are in the process- but I stopped by to pay my respects.

I spent 35 years of my life going to work in that building, and seeing it getting torn down was.........well, more on that later. (sorry - havent figured out what I want to say about it yet, but I promise, I will)

Also spent some time watching the SNL 50TH ANNIVERSARY Specials on tv over the weekend. Check out my other post on my page for thoughts and highlights)

So there it is folks.

And for the record, I left out any pics or videos from me snowblowing the driveway and yard. I doubt you want to see that shit. Hahah...

Hope you had a good weekend-


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