When I went out Sunday morning, I certainly did see my day going like this - but I got into an accident on a backroad I've driven a million times.
There's one section of a backroad in Rollinsford NH that dips down a hill, and even though I was driving very slowly, where I wanted to go, and where the road WANTED me to go - were two distinctly different places. I started sliding, and met the business end of a wooden guard rail next to the bottom of the hill. That stopped me from going completely off the road and rolling down a hill to the water.
So you asked- so heres a couple of photos-
Photo: Apple Photos Clean Up
Well THAT sucked. Fortunately I am fine, thanks to the seatbelt I was wearing AND the fact that I was driving extremely slow when the slide started.
When I hit- the airbag went off and for a second I thought the windshield exploded because everything in the truck went flying. Coffee, hats, camera gear, bag of bagles - everything. The truck struck the end of a wooden guardrail and impaled it into the engine area.
I want to thank the Rollinsford PD and FD for being so helpful and kind. PD Chief Jon Ureskevich, and FD Chief Shawn Glidden for being so helpful.They helped make a shitty morning, a little less shitty for me.
So there it is.
Important thing in any accident is - its just a car. Who cares? As long as you're ok that's all that matters.