Vacation was fun, but I can't lie- it did have it's "moments" - hahah!
We ended up going up to Greenville Maine to go 4 wheeling with 4 other couples. We rented a house, and we got to borrow one of our friends side by side- and we hit the trails near Moosehead Lake! It was definitely FUN! The only- slight- problem was -
I mean- CONSTANT either drizzle or rain- and if you've been 4 wheeling you know that can be a challenge. Both seeing thru a windshield, or flipping that down and using goggles (and wiping them every minute) can be a pain in the ass, right? Regardless- we DID have a blast doing it!
We did 300 miles in 3 days, and it rained almost the entire time. The only day it was sunny was the day we left. Haha!
Honestly - i thought I looked pretty studly behind the wheel!!!
And when it got really nasty- you just gotta roll with it, right? I mean - when you're wet - YOU'RE WET!
I will say that we road over unbelievably tough trails - jagged rocks, giant rocks, uphill, downhill, thru 2 feet or more of water, huge mud puddles, half broken bridges and more - and we did it without a problem! But put me on a straightaway on a flat surface- and THAT'S WHERE I GOT A FLAT TIRE!
I think its something about me and Maine, when it comes go getting FLATS!
I put together this video for the friends we went with.We really did have a blast! The video was too big to send so i had to share it with them on social media. It was for them - but if you want to see it - have a look. Its only 2 min long-
One of the really cool places we visited was the site of a B52 Bomber crash site. Its only reachable by atv, and the remnants of the crash are still there.
Here's part of the fuselage....
The crash happened in 1963 and the wreckage is spread over a stretch of trees exactly where it happened. All of the pieces of the wreckage were collected- and then actually PUT BACK in the place they landed in as a memorial to those who perished in the crash. One of the craziest stories from the crash was that one of the survivors ejected from the plane in his seat- and landed in the snow. Oh, did I mention that his parachute NEVER OPENED? And yes- he survived.
It's a very surreal place. Very cool, and yet somber. As it should be.
Roadkill and I spent a couple hours at SIG SAUERS Hunting Expo and got to meet a lot of listeners!
We also hit a brewery, and went to Adam Ezra's benefit concert fesitval - THE RAMBLE - which took place in MA and benefitted getting homeless vets into safe and dignified housing! It was a great show, as always- and an incredible night!
And did I get out to take pics during vacation? Ummmm - yeah!
Nubble Light, a bald eagle, another sunrise at Nubble , and some RR tracks in Greenville ME
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
And we ended vacation with some lobsters - right off the boat - and some locally grown corn (Viel's Farm in Rollinsford's corn is incredible!)
And here we are.....back to work and ready to get back at it!