For a vacation that really had no plans prior to it, we actually had a really fun and relaxing break!!!
It started with an impromptu get together with the kids for burgers, and then we shot over to play some video games at Tokens Taproom in Dover-
Played some pinball, Tetris, Pac Man, Space Invaders, Galaga, Street Fight and more! We had a blast!
Then I was up early to get some city shots of early morning/really late night Portsmouth. Its such a beautiful city, but I think it truly shines at night when it's empty!
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
There's a mystery to it at night when no one else is around that I just love.
And then when the sun comes up.....
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
She shines in a whole different way.
Next- we headed to Vermont to stay in an inn that Valerie and I stayed in 36 years ago (holy s*** we're old!)!! Back then it was called "The Inn at Long Last", but today it's The Fullerton Inn in Chester VT.
It's a quaint but sleepy little town that we based out of while we toured everywhere from Woodstock to Plymouth, to Proctorsville, Saxton River, Windsor and more.
And the first thing you do when you get to a small town? Why - you stroll through the creepy cemetary of course!
(thats a phone pic... and so is this one...)
And when we started "touring" - we had no particular places in mind- and a couple times - I didn't know where the **** we were!!
But we did hit a couple landmarks! Can you go to Vermont without stopping at the Vermont Country Store? (Wow- from where I live- it's like Calef's Country Store x10 - on STEROIDS!) Then it was on to places the like world famous Jenne Farm in Reading/Woodstock. Such a gorgeous spot - even in stick season!
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Ended up in Proctorsville at Outer Limits Brewing Co - and had a fun time trying some brews and playing a little cards- Thats the face I get when I start shooting my mouth off to her- hahaha. Hard to believe, I know, right????
And nothing like breakfast in a small Vermont diner
Good coffee and REAL Vermont Maple Syrup. OH, and my lovely wife too -
Yeah, she loves me.
We headed home on Friday and went straight to Boston to the Garden for Celts vs Mavs -
And they won their 11th straight (I think) - so it was a good night.
Saturday we hooked up with my buddy Chris "The Doctor of Rock" Garrett and his wife Ann and headed to Pickety Place in Mason NH for a midafternoon lunch. We got the 2p seating and it was delicious, as usual. Where else can you get a 5 course meal for $35, in the house that served as the inspiration for the illustrations to Little Red Riding Hood?
It was a surprising vacation because we started with no plans at all, and ended up doing something or going some place every day - which is awesome!
It was really relaxing - and even though the weather wasn't the best- we made the best of it and enjoyed ourselves. Got to spend a lot of time with Valerie, got to get out and shoot with the camera, take a couple roadtrips, get together with good friends, and check out the Celts game!
I'll take it, thank you very much.
Hope y'all had a good week too -
See you 8 hours -