I'll tell you right up front - this weekend was a complete CHILL OUT weekend for me.
I could have slept an entire day after Buzz Ball! Seriously - I couldn't keep my eyes open at 6pm on Friday night! Whoah!
I think it may have been due, in part- to these folks-
As a fan of the Adam Ezra Group - I always love having Adam in studio, and this time he brought along Corrina Smith, the fiddle player from the band, and they were great! They played a couple of tunes and hung for a couple hours and just had fun with us! It was just what we all needed after the late night that was Buzz Ball!
And then there's the whiskey! Hahah- the thing is, it hits me pretty quick. I feel it in my face, which Im told gets red pretty quick! Anyway- we had a great time and I think it all caught up to me (I wasn't drunk ,mind you) later that day when I was just exhausted! If you missed Adam and Corrina's performance - check out the full show podcast, or the WHEB or Rock 101 sites for the singular podcasts of the performances. Good stuff!
Friday night- I was out by 8:15p. Hard core out, too. I wasn't waking up for nothing!
Until 5am, that is - when I got up and took off for Portland, Maine to shoot the sunrise there!
First stop before sun up - was the waterfront-
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
It's always a beautiful spot when the waters calm and the sky is colorful.
Then I headed out to Portland Head Light- and caught the sunrise there-
Here's one I took with the camera, and one with the phone-
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Weather was pretty mild - which made for a really nice morning!
A little later, when I got home - my daughter Cait and I hit up the local farmers market! Got some great stuff! Some veggies, garlic, cheese, empanadas, pizza sauce, and more!
The Farmers Market at Wentworth Greenhouse in Dover NH are pretty cool! Great vibe, music , food and drink!
I was still draggin ass a bit, but a stop at Flight - helped greatly! (The Maple flavored coffee was killer!)
On Saturday night - we went out for our son Tyler's birthday, and we hit up Toscana in Market Square in Portsmouth!
Spending time, over dinner, with the family is one of my favorite things to do. It's not the food, or eating- its the time spent talking and laughing. There's nothing I love more than those times I call "Family Dinner".
Every once in a while- and it's not often due to schedules- I just suggest a "family dinner" - and that means we go some place (any place) and just have a meal, and take our time with it. It's always the best medicine for the busy lives we all lead.
We had great meal and then headed for Cup of Joes Coffee Bar down the street afterwards!
It was a great night.
We may have even done a loud Christmas carol below the window of a friend that lives near Market Square- and amazingly- NOBODY told us to "SHUT THE F UP!"
Sunday, I hung in and chilled before we did a little Xmas shopping and came home to watch the Pats.
And once again- I'm not talking about that game.
But overall, it was a nice relaxing weekend.
I hope you had a good one too -