Greg Kretschmar

Greg Kretschmar

Listen to Greg & The Morning Buzz weekdays 5:30am-10am!Full Bio


My Weekend: Diverge, Yard Stuff, Marley, Wicked Allergies and The Pats

Lets cut right to the chase- it would have been an EXCELLENT weekend if I hadn't gotten my ass kicked by allergies!

BUT- that's when you get when you bust out the backpack blower to get rid of all the leaves - and you do YOUR whole yard, the bounce on over to your son's to help him out with his!

I thought- "I might be paying for this tomorrow...".

And so I was. Had to take a Benadryl (in addition to my normal allergy medicine), and Im pretty sure I spent the afternoon watching the Patriots with one eye open and drool drippin out of my pie hole. Ugh. That sucks.

BUT OTHER THAN THAT!!!!! - It wasnt too bad a weekend!

Friday night Valerie and I hit one of our favorite restaurants- Diverge in Dover -

And how do you improve on a chicken pot pie?

Simple - you put lobster, big chunks of haddock, shrimp, scallops and potatoes- instead of chicken!

Oh- and you put it in a light cream sauce that doesn't make you feel like a sloth after you eat it! It was killer!

Spent Saturday blowing - leaves. No pics, but you already know how that turned out. As I type this Im still sniffling and sneezing. Ugh.

Saturday night - it was off to the Cap Center to see my buddy, comedian BOB MARLEY....

The man is a comedy genius, and he just may be the hardest working stand up comic ever. Bob crushed it - and Valerie and I, along with our friends Dave and Jolene had a great time at the show-

I did get out on BOTH Saturday and Sunday morning with the camera and was treated to a couple of really nice sunrises!'

First - I headed to Marginal Way in Ogunquit, where I met with 4 other really cool photographers. Here's a couple from that morning -

It didn't look like much was going to be happening with the sunrise, but it slowly started to burn - and gave us some pretty cool color.

I shot this from the side of a giant rock that had a slope of about 45 degrees on it - haha- so I wasnt moving around a lot!

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

And here's one I took just was I started walking out along the path when I got there. I loved how the foreground was lit by the lights in the parking lot- and the sky was on fire-

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Then on Sunday - it was off to Hampton where I was gonna photograph the jetty and the waves- but there were no waves, or color in the sky to be had. The color was a bit north, so I headed to Rye. See - thats what you do when you do photography - you chase light and color. And this time- it paid off. I ended up at Rye Harbor - and the dull gave me something -

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

And this is me before the color in the sky kicked in -

Rye Harbor is a beautiful spot...

And last but not least- here's how you watch a Pats game -

with the Pats on the massive screen, and the Red Zone on the 55 inch....

It wasn't my place though, haha - but I may have to look into the 2 tv thing! It was pretty cool!

So thats all I got for the weekend. Gonna pop another Benadryl and go turn into a drooling, half asleep zombie...

Hope I wake up in time for the show tomorrow - haha-

Hope you had a good one -


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