When your weekend STARTS with getting hammered with Tom Bergeron.....you know it's going to be a wild one.
Tom was in town for a few days so we met up at one of his favorite (and mine) haunts- The Old Ferry Landing in Portsmouth. We always have a great time with the folks there (shout out to the amazing Barbara!), and their signature drink the "Jimmy Juice"- always finds it's way to our table. Ok, maybe more than one.....
Tom and I agree on a great many things, including the need to have oyster crackers with a classic New England Chowder. Must have. No exceptions. If you don't offer crackers with chowder, then you're NOT from New England.
So let me show you how we roll -
Haha- Thanks Barbara!
Bergeron is a blast to hang with, and as cool as you may think he is- I'm here to tell you this: He's even cooler than that. I consider myself lucky to call him a good friend.
While I was waiting for him to show up (these Hollywood types always show up late) - I was dubbin around with my phone and took this selfie -
Pretty bad ass look for a dude that couldn't beat up a frigging Praying Mantis. By the way, I was freezing my nuts off while waiting so I went in to a shop nearby and bought the sweatshirt. Love it, too. Kept sitting there wondering if WEST COAST was gonna show up, cuz THEN I'd have to RUMBLE. Good thing for them they didn't-
Saturday at noon, I headed to the coast to see how Hurricane Lee was drumming up the surf. The storm was SO overblown by the weather folks- and what we got was a bit of a bust. There were some good waves out at Nubble Light in Cape Neddick ME, though. Here's a couple shots I got. (And yeah, I did get a little wet - but I was completely safe the whole time).
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
For a day that was supposed to be a hurricane- it was pretty damn nice out there!
Saturday night we had dinner with a couple of Cait's friends - Hannah and Chris - and headed to "Salt" in Dover.
And then it was on to TOKENS TAP ROOM - which is a cool bar filled with classic video games, right next door!
Here's my Pinball Wizard wife Valerie dominating the Foo Fighters pinball game!
Oh and this is cool - if you're playing a pinball game- theres a camera directly overhead that people can see your game as you play.
Of course, theres no way I couldn't mess with it -
The pic of me is on a 4.5 foot screen up on a wall -
We also ended up at home playing a drinking game called "Kings".....and holy crap! That games a blast!
That lasted till 1am - and I was and up and out the door at 5 to catch a sunrise out at Fort Stark in Newcastle NH.
Here I'm waiting for the sun...
And then BOOM -
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
I'll take it. Then it was home to get ready for my Dad's 85th birthday get together at the house-
Here's the man of the day AK85!
It was a nice day relaxing and enjoying Arnie's birthday!
Now Im sitting here typing this as the Patriots game is on and they're just fumbled the f******g ball. Ugh. But it's only 3-0 - so hopefully we'll get it done.
I should just state the obvious though- I HATE THE LATE GAMES ON SUNDAY NIGHTS. Apparently the NFL doesn't give a rats ass that I have to get up at an ungodly hour!!!
So anyway- a good, non stop weekend that was a lot of fun.
And I 'll leave you with this -
THIS- is what it looks like when you do a shot of whiskey- and YOU AIN'T READY FOR IT....
Have a good week folks-