Ok- how good was it to have 2 actual NICE days that weren't 90 degrees or raining???
I can tell ya I was digging it!
Don't know about you, but theoretically - I start my weekends on Thursday! And with that in mind, Valerie and I hit the movie theater to see -
I was excited to see it! Really, I was!! But man - it felt like kind of a mess to me, so let me save you some money - on a scale of 1-10 - Valerie gave it a 4. I gave it a 5.5 - and I was being generous. Wish I could say different...
On Friday night - my buddy Scott Thorp (an excellent photographer, and the master of shooting lightning shots) called me and asked if I wanted to go out and give it a try. "You mean, shoot photos of lightning in the middle of a raging storm?
WHAT TIME YOU PICKING ME UP?!!!" haha- So we headed out!
What I thought would be an hour or two trip (i mean - how long can a storm like that last?) - ended up being 6 hours. We didn't finish till 1am - but it was awesome, maddening, frustrating, amazing and thrilling all at the same time.
You're basically shooting constantly - and the moment you aren't - THATS when the biggest strikes happen. BUT- I did get a few hits -
at York Beach looking back over Long Sands
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
From the top of the parking garage in downtown Portsmouth - looking at the North Church -
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
And then on to Newcastle, near Portsmouth Harbor Light -
A both shot all the way across the sky from right to left- almost encircling us - and I caught the tail end of it!
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Although I missed some killer chances (they always happen when you're re-framing a shot, re-focusing, wiping the rain off the lens, or repositioning the tripod!) - Im happy with what I walked away with for my first time!
And if you want to check out my buddy's stuff- he's awesome! Scott Thorp Photography - check him out on Facebook and Instagram.
Saturday night - our Brew Pub Tour friends (Gary and Lorraine Fjeld, with their daughter Maddie) joined us at Tuscan Market Village in Salem NH!
I know it's not an actual "brewery" - but we wanted to check it out and we had a blast. Great band playing, had some Sam Adams beer and some great italian food!! Plus there's cornhole, fire pits, a pond you can wade in and more! We had a great night!
Sunday morning we celebrated the start of our favorite time of year- BERRY PICKIN' SEASON! Our favorite local farm is Butternut Farm in Farmington NH! Gif and Mae Burnap have done an incredible job with the farm we've been going to for 30+ years! So we hit the blueberry bushes....
And then we hit the cider barn.... hahah
And after some stuff got done around the house- we busted out the Blackstone Griddle Grill and fired up some burgers for my Mom and Dad -
And ended the night grabbing a little soft serve for Mom and Dad...
So I hope you had a good weekend. I sure could have used one more day....hahahah
Cheers to a good week for us all!