You have to appreciate someone who is SO dedicated - SO HARD-FRIGGIN-CORE - that NOTHING is going to stop them from doing what they love!!
Take this guy! This pic was passed around social media this weekend in Tilton NH - There is absolutely NOTHING that is going to keep this bro from hitting the trails this weekend!
Just roll that bad boy up on top of my V-DUB and lets roll!
I mean, I appreciate the total CAN-DO attitude here- but - this legal??? Hahah -
God I love New Englanders!
Love the "DON'T TELL ME I CAN'T" attitude- cuz nothing is keeping me off the trails bruh!
Whoever you are - just know that I - Gregory Kretschmar- tip my cap to you, sir. You're a badass.
Rock on Mr HARDCORE ATV guy..... ROCK ON!