Annndddddd the 3 day weekend comes to a close, reminding me once again of why these should happen at LEAST once a month! Am I right???
*When I'm elected King, that's my first directive: 4 day work week starting on that day. Boom. (That's why they say "Its good to be the king").
Anyway- good weekend. Started off Friday night by meeting some friends at a local brewery, Corner Point Brewing Company!
Went there to try the place and hear one of my favorite local bands- The Reconstructed. Big fan, and have been for years. I also got to meet the owners - Jamie and Kelly Blood - who are AWESOME!
Such nice folks, and the CPBC has such a great vibe there too! And if you're wondering if I had a beer or not- OF COURSE I DID! We had a really cool night! It's right next to the bridge between my hometown of Somersworth and Berwick Maine- stop in if you get the chance!
Saturday morning, I went out and did a thing....
Traded in the CR-V for a Honda Ridgeline Black Edition truck. I wasn't looking to buy a new car, but the deal I got from Auto Fair Honda was too good to pass up. It's not a huge heavy duty truck, obviously- but its enough for what I need. Afterall, I ain't workin on the Dutton Ranch, am I? hahah -
Valerie and I had a date night at the movies Saturday night- and saw "A Man Called Otto" with Tom Hanks.
No super heroes. No explosions. No world ending scenario- thank Christ! It was just a movie about real people. And it was really good.
Sunday morning I went out shooting and with high winds and high tide, I headed to the York Maine for a bit to see what I could see-
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Got pretty close to some good size waves, but managed to stay dry (this time! haha). Then it was on to check out some bald eagles and got lucky to spot a snowy owl as well.
Watched this female fly around collecting sticks to firm up the nest -
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Always cool to see a pair of eagles together. They mate for life, but in this case - the male (with a darker head) stepped in after the female (on the left) lost her mate due to avian flu.
And then I got lucky to see this little guy.....
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Cool bird. Lot of personality. Always looks like they're making faces at you - (which IM positive they ARE!).
Here's something I saw at the grocery store. You tell me -
Is this poor aisle assignment or what?
Seriously? Who said "Hey Charlie- lets put the CHOWDER next to the tampons and napkins? That doesn't strike anyone as a wierd combination to have next to each other at the grocery store?
C'MON, BRO!!!!
Moving on - on Sunday we celebrated the INTERNATIONAL DAY OF CONNIE! We had my Mom and Dad over for dinner and celebrated her 88th birthday!
Connie- still rockin in the free world at 88!!!!
And last but not least- went to McDonalds over the weekend. Nothing against McD's, but I don't go there a lot, so I have never seen this:
Since when is it contactless? What? Nobody takes your order anymore? I don't have to talk to anyone? Just select from the computer, then take a seat and they bring it to you? Is that new? Is it at a lot of McDonalds? I mean - with how hard it is to get good help - I can't blame em, but it just surprised me!
And that's all she wrote for the weekend on my end folks!
Hope you had a good one!