Whens the last time it was 75 degrees in November? Holy CRAP!!! Hey - I ain't complaining, but I will admit - Im kind of partial to hoodie weather!!! But- I will certainly take it this weekend! What a gorgeous weekend!
Mine started out with Valerie and a couple friends at Northwoods Brewing Co in Northwood for a pizza and some Autumn Buzz Beer!
The reviews are excellent on the beer, and it's been flying off the shelves and taps in bars! We can't thank you all enough for trying it and helping to raise money to support our LEND A HELPING CAN program! By the way, we had a great time at Northwoods, and our friends cleaned out their crueller supply!!! Hahah- they're big fans!
Got up early on Saturday to see if I could find a coyote or two to photograph. Came up empty on the coyote search, but I did get to the shoot the sunrise down by the ocean, which never sucks...
I could sit and watch the waves hit the rocks for hours. It's really mesmerizing to me -
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
And then, when the sun comes up....
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
It just makes for a great way to start the day....
And - I didn't even need to bundle up early in the morning. It was perfect! 64 degrees!
Saturday night we headed to Concord to see our friend BOB MARLEY absolutely CRUSH the Cap Center crowd!
As you can clearly see- there's a reason he and I get along so well....
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Seriously though- one of the best comedians and nicest guys I've ever seen/met.
Such a great dude.
Got this on Saturday morning - from my brother.
A month ago he helped me out of a jam, and travelled 4 hrs each way - TWICE- to get me from northern Maine - because I got 2 flats in Baxter State Park. Then he brought me back to get the car later in the week. I made a video of the adventure- and in it i said- "He's gonna bust my balls for the rest of my life about "YOU SHOULD HAVE A REAL TRUCK AND YOU WOULDNT GET FLATS!!!" -
And lo and behold- he hasnt let up yet...
The ballbusting never ends.
Met my parents for breakfast on Sunday.
Here's my Mom -
She looks great, doesn't she?
And then some grocery shopping, the Patriots game- and - some grilling...
Anyway - good weekend.
Now I just have figure how to f***ing change my bedroom alarm clock - its worse than changing the clock in my old car!
Hope you all had a good one-