I have never seen Adam Sandler perform. I have interviewed him, ran into him at NHMS a few years back, but I've always been a fan. I haven't loved every movie he's been in - but thats because the dudes been in a thousand movies - and there's no way you're gonna like em all!
I know he's not some peoples cup of tea, but I like the guy. He doesn't pretend to be something he isn't. He's a guy who just wants to make people laugh.
Watched the films, SNL and his rare talk show appearances, and seen the Hollywood pics of him walking around in baggy shorts and a tshirts, looking like a "schlubb" (thats a Mr Deeds reference. If you know, then you know.). And btw- screw Hollywood. I LOVE that he dresses like that, you know why? Because he's got about a BILLION reasons to tell them to kiss his ass...
But I digress- lets get to the SNHU Show -
I didn't know what to expect, but I certainly didn't expect what we got.
Sandler was hilarious! He did everything from straight stand up, to funny songs, to lots of touching moments where he talked about home and paid respect to his Dad, and Chris Farley.
Oh yeah, and he got raunchy too!
I've never heard funnier bit about a dude eating out......a balloon. That's right, a balloon. Sound stupid? It was, but i thought it was hilarious!
I've never seen a comedy show that was funny, both smart and dumb, silly, raunchy, and sincere - all wrapped up in one. He sang a ton of short songs with silly and surprising outcomes and he peppered the entire night with Manchester references from his childhood. He played with the audience, responded to shouts from them, and just casually rolled through an hour+ set that just made you feel good.
He bought his first guitar at Ted Herberts. His harmonica at Daddy's Junkie Music. He worked at The Puritan, and on and on - and it was pretty cool to hear it all from one of the most successful guys in Hollywood- ESPECIALLY since he doesn't ACT like one of the most successful guys in Hollywood.
You could tell he was nervous at the start (Rob Schnieder and Dan Patrick BOTH said Adam was as nervous as they had ever seen him because he has NEVER played his hometown), but he found the groove and did a great show. I would be lying if I said the songs about his Dad and Chris Farley didn't get to me. His Mom and many family members were there that night - and he had the crowd sing Happy Birthday to his Mom as well -
I told ya - the guy is a good dude....
And the word that I kept coming back to all night while watching him was - genuine. He seems like just a genuine good dude. A guy who hasnt forgotten his roots (yeah, I know he's lived in NY and CA longer- but NH is the dirt he's front and he knows it). I never expected to laugh AND be moved by his show- but I was. And when it was over, from what I could tell - people seemed to really dig it!
Heres Adam's post from Instagram about the show -
Sandlers show was the perfect mixture of silly, raunchy and sweetness from a guy who is unlike any other comedian I've ever seen.
I was thoroughly impressed.
And when I was leaving the arena- I saw Adam getting into the limo/truck after the show- so I yelled over to him - "Great show Adam!" - and he said "Thanks buddy I appreciate it!".
So- I guess I can say "I talked to Adam Sandler" Saturday night, right? I mean - just because I was yelling through a fence in the upper parking lot - that doesn't matter does it??? heh heh heh..
I think we're friends now....
Yeah.....that's how I see it.
Great show, Adam. Thanks for bringing it home-