Full blown situation, my friends. We have a 2 Feeder Down situation, I REPEAT: TWO FEEDER DOWN SITUATION!!!!
Yeah, you read right. TWO feeders - as in BIRD FEEDERS- destroyed by the army of satan known as the gray squirrels that live in/on/or nearby my yard.
Friggin Navy Seals have nothing on these sons of bitches! I watched one free fall from about 20 feet up a nearby tree- to land on one of my feeders and rip it from the metal wire holding it on the feeder. No parachute, NOTHING.
That's just isane. Tell me how that little s*** isn't dead? Because my birdfeeder is, I can tell you THAT!!! And to top it off- another feeder was wiped out in the incident- so it was an immediate trip to the store to rebuild....
Yeah, it's pathetic, I know. But truth is - at the age of 60 - that's all you go: BIRDFEEDERS AND SOFT ICE CREAM.
So laugh now- because it's coming for you too, Chief..... (hahah....I am pathetic, though- aren't I???)
Anyway - a good weekend nonetheless....
Celtics on Friday night certainly didn't end the way I wanted.....
Watched it at a buddy's house- and the friggin tv is even BACKLIT in Celtics colors!!! WTF! Thats AWESOME! To bad the ending of the game wasn't!
Anyway - up till 11:30 watching the game - then got up at 2:30am - to make a road trip up to Sugar Hill and Jefferson NH to do some photography. I ended up at the top of Sugar Hill, shooting the sunrise through a couple of Lupine plants...
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
And since I was there so early, I could slide in to Pollys Pancake Parlor without a wait (7:15am- because by 8am, you're waiting an hour for a seat)....
And let me tell ya - it's worth the 2.5 hr drive just to have their pancakes. Legendary stuff, my friends...
Nothing fancy, schmancy.... just good home made stuff.
And check this out. I was seated at the bar and they sat an old guy next to me. I know - Im not young, but this guy looked like Dumbledore met the guy from the movie Babe. And that's not a slam- this guy is just an old, white haired farmer who's worked his ass of his whole life. You could see it on his face and hands. The dude was salt of the earth. I wasnt paying attention when he ordered, but when it arrived I did...haha -check THIS out...
THAT, my friends- AIN'T butter. THAT- is about a PINT of ICE CREAM!!! ON A FRIGGIN PANCAKE!!! Then he doused it with maple syrup! WHAT A SAVAGE! (And thats a COMPLIMENT!)
This guy don't play by anyone else's rules- and HE DESERVES IT. You break your back farming all your life- and you want a gallon of ice cream on a pancake in the morning? THEN YOU GET A GALLON OF ICE CREAM ON YOUR PANCAKE, DAMMIT! I left, envious of the guy. Not because of what he ate- but because he didn't give a f*** what the norm was- he was doing him. Period. Bravo brother, bravo.
And while I was toolin around the northern part of the state- I ended up in Jefferson NH...and I drove by this...
My favorite theme park ever, as a kid. But....more on that in my next post.
Anyway - Sunday was all yard work, trimming trees, building another garden for Valerie, and giving my entire house a BATH because of all the pollen on it. Don't get me started...
Hope you had a good weekend -