Not a bad weekend!
Took in a show of a band Im a fan of - 3 women with incredible voices, known as "The Wailin' Jennys" were at the Music Hall in Portsmouth (a rescheduled show from a year ago) - and they were awesome on Friday night!
And I got out with the camera early Saturday morning. It was looking uneventful, without a cloud in the sky, until a huge fog bank rolled in to the coast from inland - and gave me some great stuff to shoot!
I started in New Castle, but wandered over to the Kittery side of the Piscataqua River to shoot one of my favorite spots on Badgers Island-
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
and the Memorial Bridge was a great subject too....
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Saturday afternoon was spent removing 8 tons of leaves that fell in the yard from the storm. And I don't know what kind of radioactive soil the trees on my property are feeding off of - but HOLY S*** the leaves are big!
They're as BIG AS MY FRIGGIN HEAD!!! (And no, it's not an illusion- that leaf is up against my nose)
Running around doing stuff with Valerie driving. She loves it when I go to take pics - hahah....
Like Im the friggin papparazzi.....haha.....
Saturday night - went out to a low key dinner with Valerie and our friends Dave and Jolene - and we headed to bookstore. I know - it sounds thrilling!!! haha- but it's a pretty chill way to check out some books (photo books and stuff im interested in reading) while chilling with a cup of coffee.
*Also- I can check out New England travel books to find out of the way spots that I might be interested in taking some photos at.....
Watched the Pats stomp all over Cleveland (which is awesome because they were only favored by a few points!)
And last but not least- I found this on a window in my living room.
The window is where Molly sits - and we are constantly cleaning the window because she presses her nose up against it.
On Sunday, I saw a perfectly formed C and a J - written there. I tried to take a pic of it - but the phone camera doesnt pick it up as well - so I kind of highlighted it so you could see where it is. Trust me when I tell you- ITS THERE for real. C & J can mean one of two things to me - one - my daughters initials, or two - I'm supposed to take a C&J bus someplace in the near future.
Or....maybe it's "Country & Jazz"- some type of new radio station format that will hire me if i get fired from my current job! Who knows!
Awesome. Now I have a deaf dog who is writing me cryptic messages on a window using her nose - and I have no idea what the hell she's talking about -
Like I don't have enough going on...
Ha! Hope you had a good weekend -