Here we go again! ANOTHER unruly jackass on a plane!
In the last year ALONE- there have been 3600 complaints of unruly passengers. The problem is so bad, Congress met last week to consider making penalties for acting like an idiot on a plane - much more severe.
And I, for one- am all for it.
This guy -
Reportedly, and allegedly inappropriately touched the breasts and backside of 2 flight attendants, and assaulted another. He went shirtless and ranted about how his parents were worth $2 Million, and peppered people with F bombs! He's a 22 year old man from Ohio. He's not a kid. He's a man.
They say the guy smelled of alcohol. Wow. Shocking.
But guess what? The whole "Oh, he was drunk" rationalization is pure bullshit. I don't care if he was or wasn't - EVERYBODY in America knows that if you get out of line on an aircraft - you're in trouble.
Here's some video -
The guy was arrested on landing. In addition- and this is the kicker- THE CREW WAS SUSPENDED.
Of course they were! Because you can't put anyone in their place - no matter how big of an a-hole they are being- without repercussions! Apparently - they duct taped the guy to his seat because he was out of control. THAT, however, isn't proper restraint procedure you should use on an idiot! So the crew- who had to deal with this mid-flight- and made a decision on how to stop it - are the ones in trouble.
I hope that crew was suspended for a 1/2 day - with pay, and then went right back to work.
And I promise you -this guy and his $2 Million Mommy and Daddy, have already contacted their lawyer and will be looking for a payout. Why? Because that's what happens in America. Act like a jackass, get paid. It's always everybody else's fault. It's never the fault of the problem person. Somehow they are the victim in stuff like this. Ugh.
Other than an actual mental illness - if you throw a fit on a plane, scream at people, get out of line, start a fight, don't obey the rules- or whatever, BAM. There should be an air marshall on their to take you in to custody and arrest you. If that means tying you up with zipties, then so be it. There's been a sharp increase in incidents like this since the pandemic - much of it over wearing a mask. I can understand not wanting to wear a mask! Hell, I don't! But here's the simple reality of it: Don't want to wear a mask on a flight? GREAT! Take a damn BUS. I don't want to wear a mask either- but if they say I have to do ride on THEIR plane- then I do it. Don't like it? Hit the bricks CHIEF! Walk to L.A., then! Get out of line over it? You'll sit in a jail cell in podunk Alabama for a month, then. There should be ZERO TOLERANCE for this nonsense.
I'm sorry - but it's so infuriating that people have lost all self control in most situations! And they get to do it because they 1. feel emboldened to do it because civility in society is a thing of the past. and 2. they feel entitled to do it because "I HAVE A RIGHT TO SAY AND DO WHAT I WANT!". So we have stories like this everyday! And know this- anytime a flight is diverted to another airport because Karen doesn't want to wear a mask on a plane- AND YOU CAN'T MAKE HER, or Kyle wants the world to F off because HIS PARENTS HAVE $2 MILLION!!!" - there is a ripple effect in airports across the country. One re-routed flight can affect other travellers and airport across the country.
So here's my hope: That unruly passengers get dealt with, subdued and arrested immediatley on a flight. Then maybe you can store them in the cargo hold! If the plane lands and Karent and Kyle are popsicles - so sad, too bad! Play stupid games, win stupid prizes! I don't feel bad about it one bit, either. People like this feel free to do whatever they want, where ever, and whenever they want without any fear of repercussion.
That's got to end.