Every Sunday, when I put this together- I fantasize about - when I'm made King- me making it a National Law that ALL weekends are THREE DAY WEEKENDS.
Who wouldn't be willing to work a 10 hr day, 4 days a week? I mean - maybe a 10 hr day would suck for some- but wouldn't it be worth it for an entire EXTRA DAY OFF each week?
Anyway - Valerie and I headed to the Rex Theater to see our buddy JIMMY DUNN as a part of the Friday Night Comedy Series there - and Jimmy (and opener Karen Morgan) crushed it.
It felt so good to be out in a crowd, and the packed house audience was awesome! So great to meet a lot of you there!
I intro'd the show and didn't know they threw a picture of a GIANTED HEADED MONSTER on the screen behind me! Good thing I didn't turn around- I would have been terrified!
We love to support local farms, and we're big "pick your own" folks, especially when it comes to blueberry season! We visited our good friend Gif Burnap at Butternut Farm in Farmington and got some delicious blueberries and peaches. We've been going to that farm since before the kids were born - and we love the place. I hope all of you support your local farms - whether you pick your own, or buy directly from their stands!!!
Also - we had an attempted BURGLARY at the house!
Luckily I was home when it happened, and I caught the son-of-a-bitch!!! Even caught him on my friggin SECURITY VIDEO!
What a BRAZEN little piece of ****!!! Trying to get in my window and burgle my friggin home!!! Luckily - just a quick smack into the screen with my hand, and it sent the criminal FLYING!!!
That'll teach em!!!
(actually, it didn't. He was back 10 min later and tried again!!! GRRRRRR!)
Got to take in a nice sunrise at Rye Harbor on Saturday. It was the first time I'd shot anything in two weeks - thanks to the weather and my schedule. (I hadn't gone that long without shooting with the camera in a couple years, if you can believe it!). It was a really nice morning!
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
And on Sunday night after dinner, I tuned in to my buddy ADAM EZRA's 500th "Gathering Series" performance. The dude played live on his Facebook page - 500 hundred consecutive nights (even when he HAD Covid!). That's an amazing thing! When the world shut down, he found a way not only to perform - but cultivate and grow his audience by GIVING them music. Every single night for 500 nights. It wasn't about business, it was about HEART. In the beginning, he did it as much for himself as he did for the audience, but what resulted was a group of people had a place to escape to for an hour every night at 7. It was a much needed break from the world for many (myself included). And he did it for free.
That's who Adam Ezra is.
Adam's 500th Gathering marks the end of the nightly shows, but they will continue on and off. And I couldn't be more proud to call him my friend. If you haven't checked out his music- you should - at www.adamezra.com
Hope you all had a good weekend!!