Where the hell do the weekends go?? Seems like you got all these plans- and there's NEVER ENOUGH TIME TO DO IT ALL!!!!
It started at 10:01am on Friday morning when I split for a roadtrip up north. The game plan was to have no destination in mind, and look for places I hadn't been yet, and maybe find a field or two of lupines. And even though I m not a flower guy - a field of lupines is pretty damn beautiful. Case in point -
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Can't really argue with that. Had a beautiful ride through Sugar Hill, Jefferson, Whitefield, Randolph, Franconia Notch, Plymouth, and the White Mountains!
On Saturday - the day was spent working in the yard doing some landscaping. Valerie picked out some plants and stuff for the yard, so thats what we did all day. 40 BAGS of mulch later, and we're done.
I said to Valerie- "Hey Hon- lets do a Green Acres pic!" - (for those under 100 years old, thats an old show about two city dwellers that become farmers. The pic of them is the couple holding a pitchfork and a shovel, like that famous picture of the farmer and his wife). Anyway- we were both sweating our ass off- so Valerie wasn't keen on the photo idea. So this is what I got.
Hit the town on Saturday night by swinging in to DIVERGE, an excellent restaurant in downtown Dover that is run by my nephew, TJ. If you've never been, GO. Trust me. He's an awesome Chef.
On Sunday - I was up early to grab a sunrise, and I ended up on York Beach for a long range shot of Nubble Light -
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Later, after going for a long walk, and sweating it up again - I hit the pool.
110% PURE BEEFCAKE. Too much man for one body (or -is it too much BODY for one man???) - hahah -
People always say "pools are a pain in the ass and aren't worth the money". To that I say - "You're friggin HIGH, bro". Get a salt water pool (and don't listen to roadkill- the only thing different is the attachment and monitor you attach to your filter/pool. And it is NOT that expensive- especially given that you'll save HUNDREDS every year on chemicals. I haven't bought chemicals (other than 2 gallons of shock at the end of the season) in more than 4 years. Plus is crystal clear when I open it and thats how it stays). Pool companies don't push it because they know you won't be spending money on chemicals. I cant recommend it highly enough!). Of course- this year - pool places are backed up with work because after Covid- everyone wants one!)
Ok- back to the weekend- we ended it by having my parents and inlaws over for dinner. Here's Connie and Arnie -
So there you go - hope you had a good weekend too!