Had a great weekend! Yeah it was as cold as balls, but still - got a bunch of stuff in this weekend! So here's a taste....
Had our friends Dave and Jolene over and played a little Yahtzee - because we're friggin WILD ANIMALS and we can't be stopped!!! Haha- Ok - maybe the Yahtzee was a by-product of the Titos, but Im not sure! Turned out to be a blast because it felt NORMAL!!!! I think we've only gotten together with them 3 or 4 times in the last year - so it was a much welcomed night!
ps. I sucked, big time, at it too. Couldn't get a good roll to save my friggin life!!! Grrrrrr.....
Was waiting in the car for Valerie, who was doing some shopping, and I saw this: a woman got out of the car, and sat her dog on the car roof.
I thought - "WTF?" - right? I mean - she sat the dog on the roof- and the dog sat there, perfectly still - and for a few minutes I couldn't figure out what and her husband were doing!! I kept saying (outloud) - "LOOK AT THAT DOG!! HE AIN'T EVEN MOVING!!". She kept looking back in the car, and her husband was doing something in the car- but i couldn't tell what it was- and then I got it: the cute pup apparently (I think) - peed all over the woman, the seat, and the floor!! I was laughing - but I felt bad for them! Meanwhile- as they cleaned it up - the dog just sat there looking around! Totally chill! The woman kept reaching out and petting the pup (they were being really nice to it- I don't want anyone to think they weren't) - and the pooch was sittin up there chillin! It was hilarious!! When the car was cleaned - they took the pup down and right back in the car he went. Took about 5 minutes. Pretty funny to watch - and fromwhat I could tell - the woman was laughing a good portion of the time. Other than the pissing - that's a good dog, right there!!
People always ask how I get the photos I do, and the answer is - I get out there and look! I try to find moments to shoot- and I make time to do it, because I love to get out there. Unfortunately, there are days- like Sunday- where I get out there and don't get jack s***!!! Not even ONE single photo - well, except the one of me pretending to be a bad ass wildman (which I conveniently shot when nobody else was around). Because lets face it - everybody looks stupid taking a selfie. Me included.
Watched the movie "Hoosiers" for the one billionth time - and when they get to the scene in the photo above - just before the championship game- where they all put their hands in, and Hackman looks at them and says "I love you guys...."- it got me. Again. I can't help it man - I'm an emotional dude- and that shit hits me. Plus- Gene Hackman is one of my favorite all time actors. Guy was aces in every movie he was ever in (except that one where he played opposite Dan Ackroyd (Loose Cannons). That sucked).
"We're gonna run the picket fence on em!!!" - Dennis Hopper (another great line).
"I play, Coach stays. Coach goes, I go" - Jimmy Chitwood
Ordered dinner from Anju in Kittery Maine on Sunday night. It's delicious noodle bowls (and their chicken wings are killer too!). I got the Shoyu Nos Ramen with Pork. It was like a really hearty soup with noodles that really warms you up. Good stuff!