Old Orchard Beach, ME. I got up to shoot in Ogunquit, but once I got there I could tell the sky wasn't going to yield any color- so I called an audible and shot up to OOB. I got there about 5 min before sunrise - and just as I pulled up, the color showed up in the sky. It was like it was waiting for me. This, was the first image I took.
On a night when reports all said there could be a great view of the Northern Lights, I ventured to Bretton Woods to shoot it from near the Mt Washington Hotel. Unfortunately, the aurora never showed itself - but when we turned and looked behind us, the Milky Way did. This is a single shot 30 second exposure, and it's a valuable photography lesson: always look behind you.
The "Hunters Moon" is the first full moon of the summer, and it recently rose over my favorite lighthouse- Whaleback Light off the coast of New Castle NH. It was a beautifully clear night, and watching the moon rise was a pretty cool thing to see....
Every once in a while, when all of our schedules allow, we do a family dinner out. We usually choose a nice place that allows us to take our time, and relax with each other and enjoy a good meal. Those are my favorite nights. Here, after dining at one of our favorite spots - MC Perkins Cove, we came outside to see this. Luckily - I had my camera with me in the car. I shot this while my family watched me just to my right. It was a great way to end the night
I hope you like seeing the photos half as much as I love shooting them....
Thanks for looking -
ps. All of my work is available for purchase at www.kretchy.com