1 of 17 All pressure washed for the winter!
2 of 17 Flag football on Friday night
3 of 17 He loves car rides . . .he goes right to sleep!
4 of 17 He rocks a lot of clothes these days.
5 of 17 Parker and his Pa
6 of 17 Otis loves Pa too
7 of 17 And Parker is so excited to be taller than MiMi.
8 of 17 Rocky Peak Cinnamon Whiskey (NH Made), Prosecco and apple cider . . .so good!
9 of 17 Pumpkin carving!
10 of 17 He's getting so big!
11 of 17 Dylan had to be at the field at 7am so I drank my coffee and enjoyed the Sunday paper.
12 of 17 Game day!
13 of 17 Go Manchester Bears!
14 of 17 Big win for the Bears!
15 of 17 Whooo hooo!
16 of 17 So excited to be going to the playoffs!
17 of 17 Puppy playdate! Otis and Hazel!