1 of 28 7th Grade!
2 of 28 Great big site!
3 of 28 Nothing better than a good fire to relax.
4 of 28 Night swimming
5 of 28 This kid loves Pier Fries more than me!
6 of 28 My favorite spot in Maine!
7 of 28 The waves were crazy!
8 of 28 My hunny
9 of 28 Carnival games
10 of 28 11 of 28 12 of 28 Dragon flies love his shirts. They were on him all weekend!
13 of 28 My handsome boy
14 of 28 Family!
15 of 28 Cascade falls
16 of 28 He loved going in the waterfall.
17 of 28 More waves!
18 of 28 19 of 28 20 of 28 Parker
21 of 28 22 of 28 23 of 28 24 of 28 My boys
25 of 28 Off to the beach on the trolley.
26 of 28 Tiltawhirl
27 of 28 28 of 28 Until next year OOB!