Lend a Helping Can 2018 Fishing Trip

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to fish with Ryan Hann of Barrington.  His boss Linda was the highest bidder for the trip and gifted it to Ryan.  Ryan found fishing a couple years back when he needed a healthier outlook on life.  Fishing cleared his mind and made him happy.  The NH Fish and Game and NH WildSide have given us this opportunity to fish with them and be filmed for the last 9 years!  It has raised tons of money and  everyone always has a great time!  Plus the Mills Falls donates an overnight stay at one of their hotels for the high bidder! 

The fishing yesterday was amazing!  Ryan caught a bass on his second cast!  After that the fish seemed to roll in one after another!  Tons of smallies, rock bass and then the surprise of the day, I got a HUGE pickerel!  We definitely weren't expecting it where we were fishing but boy it was a great feeling catching that big fish!

Thank you to Mark Beauchesne and Jason Philippy for always donating their time and for having a fun time with us!  Thanks to Mills Falls and thank you to Linda for being the high bidder for this auction item!  I had a great time with Ryan!  He may have caught more fish but I will say I am a winner with the biggest and smallest fish of the day.  (Ryan knows after a day with me, I never lose!)

I will have the clip from us on NH WildSide up as soon as it's aired! 

If you want to buy some awesome NH Fish and Game merchandise!  Ryan and I are rocking our new Fish and Game hats!  https://wildlife.state.nh.us/shop/clothing.html

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