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(Des Moines, IA) -- A hands-free driving law has been in the works in Iowa since at least 2018. That's when Sen. Mark Lofgren (R-Muscatine) first began to work on one variation. Six years later, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds is talking about it in the Condition of the State speech.
"I think this is the year we're going to get this done," Lofgren says.
In the past, bumps in the road have included miscommunication with the House of Representatives.
"Last time, we sent it over there," Lofgren says. "They added a traffic camera bill and all that. And the thought was 'oh, we're doing you a favor.' Trying to get people to buy in a bit. It just blew the bill apart."
So, Senate File 22 has passed through its subcommittee and will be headed back to the full Senate Judiciary Committee. That's where senators who want to make logistical tweaks can do so. That includes Sen. Janet Petersen (D-Des Moines), a subcommittee member who wants farm equipment to be specified in the bill.
"A combine is bigger than many of the houses in my district," Petersen says. "I know a combine might take a lane and a half on the highway. I would hate for us to be sending a message that it's okay for them to text and farm on the highway in farm equipment."
Other points voiced during Wednesday's meeting included limiting the amount of times a driver can touch their screens while driving and managing two-way radios.