Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


Japan Selling Toilet Paper Made From Used Diapers

DW: New saying - Different poop, same day.

This is the definition of recycling. A coalition involving the Japanese city of Shibushi and the neighboring town of Osaki started recycling disposable diapers last April and collected 98-tons of dirty diapers in the first two months. They were sanitized, bleached, and shredded into a pulp that’s used to make toilet paper.

In those first two months, they made 30-thousand rolls, and now they’re selling them for $2.70 per dozen rolls. This recycling makes sense, but dirty diapers are also now being used as an additive for concrete instead of sand. There’s apparently gold in them there diapers.

Source: GoodNewsNetwork

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