Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


ADM James Stavridis Newest Book 'The Restless Wave' & Incoming Trump Admin

Admiral James Stavridis is a former NATO Supreme Allied Commander, CENTCOM Commander, and best-selling author of both fiction and non-fiction. His newest book, the first novel in a series that will take place over decades following the lives of US Navy sailors mostly during wartime, is "The Restless Wave." What you need to know: My wife loved it, and that's high praise indeed. We'll discuss the book and also some of the key geostrategic challenges and opportunities facing the incoming Trump administration including, believe it or not, Greenland.

Home - Admiral James Stavridis

Trump Is Right: Greenland Is Vital to Defending America - Bloomberg

Amazon.com: The Restless Wave: A Novel of the United States Navy (Scott Bradley James): Stavridis,J (this is my Amazon Associates link.)

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