Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


This Device Can Charge Your Phone Instantly

It has to be the absolute worst feeling in the world when you're getting ready to head out for the night and you're applying your finishing touches when you see a notification pop up on your phone and no it's not that complicated situationship you've been waiting to hear from but no, It's worse! Your iPhone is on 10% and you're leaving in 15 min. The math simply cannot math in that situation, but luckily for you your wishes have been answered by tech company Swippett.

Swippitt offers a different approach to battery charging if you’re willing to pay the price. Swippitt is a two-part system. The first is going to be the Swippitt Link, a battery case for the iPhone. The second is a toaster-like device called the Swippitt Hub that houses and charges five batteries that work in the Link case. When you insert the Swippitt Link-encased iPhone into the Hub, the battery in the Link is swapped out with one of the charged batteries in the Hub.

Swippitt is compatible with the iPhone 14, 15, and 16 models, and the company says it will create new Link cases should Apple introduce new iPhones designs.This charging convenience has a hefty price, starting at $450 for the Swippitt Hub, and $120 for the Swippitt Link case. The device starts shipping in June and the company is accepting pre-orders with a 30-percent discount during the Consumer Electronic Show this week.

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