Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


Coffee Drinkers Live Longer, but You Have to Stop by Noon

How do you take your coffee? And we're not talkin' cream and sugar. A new study found drinking it in the morning could help you live longer. But if you keep drinking it all day, maybe not.



Scientists tracked people's health for 10 years and split them into three categories: People who only drank coffee in the morning . . . people who drank it all day . . . and people who didn't drink it at all.



The morning coffee drinkers had a 16% lower risk of dying for any reason and a 31% lower risk of dying from heart disease compared to the non-coffee group.



But the benefits disappeared for people who drank coffee all day. So, having your last cup before noon could save your life. 



"Moderate" coffee drinkers saw the biggest benefits. They defined moderate as two to three cups each morning. The benefits dropped by half for people who drank more than that.



They're not sure why drinking it later in the day makes a difference. Their best guess is it messes with your sleep. (CNN / Study Finds)

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