Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


Man Renovating Parent’s Home Finds Wrapped Gift For Him In Walls From 1978

While remodeling the bathroom of his parents’ home in Lombard, Illinois, Tim King discovered a decades-old Christmas gift hidden behind the drywall. The present was wrapped in yellowed Disney-themed paper and had King’s name on it. He believes the gift fell into the wall decades ago, as his parents used the attic to store holiday presents.

The home was initially built by King’s great-grandparents as a summer retreat and has been in the family for three generations. Over the years, additions to the house were made by his grandparents and parents, which may have caused the gift to slip between the walls. He decided to wait for his mother before unwrapping the gift, but she didn’t remember buying it.

When King opened the present, he found a set of Matchbox Thunder Jets, a toy he describes as perfect for his six-year-old self back in 1978. He shared a video of the discovery on his company’s social media, documenting the unearthing of the unexpected treasure and its nostalgic significance.


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