Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


America Is Full Of Easy Targets For Terrorists

Wall with splattered US flag paint and bullet holes

Photo: Moment RF

After the deadly New Year's attack in New Orleans, Americans are now concerned about soft targets for terror attacks in other cities, including Houston. The trouble is, every big city has become a target-rich environment for terrorists.

Randy Sutton, a retired police lieutenant and founder of The Wounded Blue, told KTRH, "Any time you have a lot of people in one place, there's risk." He said, "The unfortunate reality is, where there are events that are attended by masses of people, those are targets for evil-doers."

Sutton also warned that terrorists could be plotting to attack other soft targets like our utilities, where they could harm entire cities with one blow. He said, "There are numerous vulnerabilities within our electrical grid and water supply. This is something that's been pointed out on numerous occasions."

Sutton says that America has become complacent and said, "This is a wake-up call to America, especially when you deal with the fact that, in the last four years, millions of people have come into this country that we don't know anything about."

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