1 of 1 Fredo was sad he couldn't make the Buzz Ball. He was busy working the NCAA Women's Final 4 in Volleyball for ESPN!
1 of 1 Kappy and Kelly havin' a couple at The Brat. God, does he hate having his picture taken!
1 of 1 Went to the Davison's in Burlington, Mass for a family gathering. Had an awesome time! This is Chloe and our host for the day, Flynn.
1 of 1 We forgot to take a group picture at the Davison's. So here's our summer gathering picture--just imagine Christmas decorations!
1 of 1 In my continuing "Friends at Football Games" series, we feature Pete and Denise at the Raiders, Patriots game in Las Vegas. They would go on to witness the absolute horror of one of the worst and most bizarre losses in Patriots history.
1 of 1 Alliteration Scoreboard. Maybe I should write bigger?