1 of 1After some Christmas shopping and a power walk I rewarded myself at the Portsmouth Brewery, one of my favorites. That's a Sunbird by the way, a "braggot" style brewed with cardamom, coriander, sweet orange peel and wildflower honey. Delicious.1 of 11 of 1Teachers Jill and Sondra at Stevens High School in Claremont wearing MY shirts!! I am honored :)1 of 1My Second cousins (maybe 3rd, I get confused) Mary Ann, Patty, and Jane saying hello at the Dinnerhorn/Bratskellar this weekend! They were on the way to see Elf at The Music Hall in Portsmouth.1 of 1I'm bad at selfies.1 of 1Last minute fixes to the Alliteration Scoreboard in the studio.