So I'm still recovering from the Iceland trip. What a whirlwind tour that was! I'll do a full post about it when I get caught up, but I'd like to thank the awesome group of folks that came along on the trip with me! We had a blast, and they were all the coolest people to travel with! Thanks to Collette Tours ( -they were amazing and took care of EVERYTHING! All we had to do was enjoy the ride! And also - thanks to our tour guide Mattias, and George, our bus driver.
I took a sh*t-ton of photos - (surprise!) and haven't gotten thru them all (and some of them are pretty damn cool!)- but I do want to share some of the more candid ones I got using my phone!
So here - in no particular order- are some of the iphone pics during our week in Iceland, and over the last couple days since we've been home-
First- here's the group=
What a fun group of folks! I had a blast with all of you (and so did my family!)
From the opening night dinner-
That's Mattias, our guide- that talked to The Buzz on the air last week. Hilarious guy!
And I s*** you not- I drank more last week than I have ever drank in my LIFE!
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Obviously this isn't a cell phone pic, but I wanted to show you ONE of the beautiful spots. It's Kvernufoss Waterfall in South Iceland. Seriously- I was speechless when I saw this view. I thought - "this is the most beautiful place I've ever seen". It was incredible. You can walk all the way up to the waterfall and walk behind it too.
And elsewhere.....I took some street photos in Reykjavik -
Oh and we went to some interesting places too!
And the sky lagoon- a geothermal heated giant outdoor spa - with bar included! (Ask me about the chick with only a sticker on her unit!!!!!)
Checked out some icebergs near a glacier ....
The one thing I had a problem with in Iceland is this - WHAT'S WITH THE FOUR OUNCE COFFEE CUPS???? Cmon bruh! Don't you know? WE'RE BIG COFFEE PEOPLE!
The whole family got in on the phoners with the show back home- here's Caitlin chatting with the gang on air -
And we celebrated a couple birthdays on the trip - here's me doing a shot with Jeff and Allison who shared a birthday at the hotel bar!
And here's a shot of me getting a shot of Black Sand Beach. This is the beach where "sneaker waves" (huge waves that come out of nowhere and crash the shore) sweep a few people out to sea each year. Fortunately, I wasn't one of them.
And this is the bed time alarm- because I came home with a pretty kicking head cold - so i gotta hit the rack to get ready for the show tomorrow.
More later, I promise, including some fun videos!
Hope you all had a good weekend-