Last week, I got an invite to visit one of the most photographed family farms in the entire world. Yeah, I said it - in the ENTIRE WORLD.
It's the beautiful Jenne Farm in Reading VT.
I have visited there many times through the years, and like any ethical photographer - I have always respected the property and the land owners. Unfortunately, over the last couple years - the throngs of tourists that descend on the place every October- didn't. They trampled the fields, walked into roped off areas, disturbed their cows, and walked up close to their home. It was so bad- they had to put a stop to it and restrict access to the farm during foliage season. I hadn't been to the farm in 3 years because the crowds were too much to take. Sadly- the same thing has happened at other beautiful places in New England - the Sleepy Hollow Farm in Pomfret VT, the lupine fields of Sugar Hill NH - and Im sure there will be more to follow -
But I digress.
After discussing the situation on the air last week (just having seen the story on Good Morning America), I got a message from Chase Jenne, who helps run the family farm, inviting me to photograph it on my own. And I readily accepted.
As you can's gorgeous.
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
The farm has been featured in movies like Forrest Gump, and in Chevy Chase's "Funny Farm", and has been in hundreds of magazines. It's still a working farm, too - and has been since the 1700's. Yeah, it pre-dates the Revolutionary War.
I met Chase at 6:30am - hahah - good thing farmers get up early!!! He let me photograph whatever I wanted, and gave me a tour. He's a really cool guy, and could not have been any kinder.
The farm is a special place. And as beautiful as it is from the road, or the field - like the shot above, it's almost moreso when you get up close to it.
Here's a few from my time there on Saturday - first, a couple of the most iconic views...
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
When you get closer to the actual buildings- it feels like you're stepping back in time. I've been to a lot of places that are beautiful - and some of them seem to have a soul that you can actually feel. This is one of them. The look, the smell- everything about it feels special. And the rising sun lighting the trees that surround it puts a glow on the place that is surreal.....
Like this....
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
And the iconic barns.....
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
It's a time warp in the best and most heartwarming way.
The wood of the barn and silos shows the years of harsh winters and sun. Split and broken in places, you can feel the time of it. The history.
And standing in the courtyard - at least I think it's a courtyard- I watched the leaves fall -
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Everything about it - was perfect.
The farm has been in the Jenne family since it began. They've got cows, a sugar shack to make maple syrup, and lots of land. And you can't help but feel like you're stepping back in time when you are there. And the Jenne's? I have had the chance to meet or talk to a few of them and they are as nice as you'd expect them to be. I've always found farmers to be some of the nicest people I've ever met- and the Jenne's are no exception.
Chase included -
What's not to love about a family farm that has lasted over 220+ years?
I was honored to be invited, and thankful to get the chance to photograph the place again- without anyone else around.
Thanks to Chase and the Jenne Family for always being so kind to me. I hope you like the photos.
And remember- the road is only closed during the first few weeks in October. Otherwise- you can go check it out and see for yourself. (Just be respectful of the property please!)
It's such a beautiful area - and even though my focus was mostly on the farm when I was shooting - you always have to be aware of what's happening behind you
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
That was the sunrise happening directly behind me when I was there.
See? I told you the place was special. And Saturday was a special morning for me.
But what did you expect? It's Vermont!