The weekend was spent- mostly- doing the Lend a Helping Can photo walks with a bunch of AWESOME listeners who paid to go out with me, and my friends Scott Thorp and Doug Harrington and learn about photography! Together- the folks who came on the trips helped us raise $8000.00 to help feed families in need!
We headed up to Portland - thanks to Great Bay Limousine - to visit Portland Head Light in Cape Elizabeth for some early morning shooting, and then headed over to the Portland waterfront to check out the docks there.
Heres the group pics-
Day 1 - Doug, Peter, Bryan, Jim, Barbara, Mike, Scott, me Wendy, Chris, Patrick and Tom
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
And Day 2- Diane, Steve and Chelsea, Doug, Kim, Scott, Beth, Nancy, Karen, Aaron and me -
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
And here's my screw up - JUST as we were posing for the pic above, I tried to make everyone laugh by LOUDLY saying the word - "PENIS"!!
And as I did so - this happened-
1 of 1 Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Man- if you could have seen the LOOK I got from that kid behind the Dad! Oh man - I was HORRIFIED!
Everybody else laughed hysterically! Me? Not so much- haha
In between helping other folks with their cameras - I did get a couple chances to grab a couple shots myself-
Here's one I liked from the docks near Widgery Wharf. I loved all the colors and textures of the worn wooden wharf, alone with the frayed ropes and old boat in the background.
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
A closer look at the ropes..... frayed and beaten by salt water, wind and cold-
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
And over at Bug Light park- I caught a guy flying a kite-
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
And we ended the second trip by grabbing a beer at Gritty McDuffs in Portland. And- yeah - I ended up chugging it at the behest of the group!! hahah -
I spent more time out (415am- 2pm both Sat and Sun), but we did get to relax. The kids came over with friends and had a fire in the backyard-
Always love times like that. Just friends, chilling by a fire, having some drinks, listening to tunes and talking. Cool night to watch and be a part of -
And we're still settling in with Daisy Mae - or newly adopted rescue pup....
And I took a half a minute to do a quick interview with Daisy Mae - you know, because her schedule is SO busy (as the above photo attests to!) -
Here she is -
And this is pretty much how the weekend ended......haha- the ride back from day 2 of the photo shoots-
Hope you had a good weekend!