Ok, so it's almost 9pm and it's past what is supposed to be my bed time. Damn. But at least we had a pretty good weekend!
The big project was moving out daughter, Cait out of the house.
I, like most people, detest "moving" someone. When it's your kid, though, it doesn't bug me (as much- haha). I might not be the most coordinated mover on the planet- so I may have had my moments on Saturday!
She was packed up and ready to go at 9am on Saturday, and that's when it started-
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No, seriously- I KNOW what Im doing!!! Haha -
But we got it loaded, and got her all moved in, in no time. Didn't take long- thanks to our son Tyler and some friends who helped us!
Saturday night- to celebrate the successful move, we ended up at Garrison City Brewing with Cait and some of her friends!
And here's the shocker- NOAH KAHN was in the house slinging the brews! I couldn't believe nobody noticed the dude!
Of course, I noticed- and since Im cool - I kept my yap shut. I didn't need to be outing the brother and creating a mob scene! But - I did you a solid. Check out this "disguise"!!!
On the left- the disguise NOAH KAHN wore at the brew pub, on the left - his publicity photo from his last album.
You had everybody else fooled, Noah - but NOT me. I was all over that shit. Haha......I had your back, bro!!!
Oh, and lets back up - Saturday morning before the move I was out shooting the sunrise in Perkins Cove, Ogunquit ME. It was pretty there-
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
But then again, it always is.
Sunday morning I was back out shooting again (with the camera) and this time I ended up in Portland ME at Cape Elizabeth's Portland Head Light. It was a beautiful sunrise-
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
The forecast called for lousy sunrise conditions along the coast. I got lucky and chose the ONE place where it gave us something.
And on the way out of the Old Port, I stopped in at the Holy Donut. I know it was a Monday, but if FELT like a Sunday- so i figured it could be like me going to church...
Don't judge me......(I can see your face....you judger!)
Hope you had a good weekend-