Mother Nature's been a bitch lately. For the second time in a week, she dropped a devastating storm on the coast of New England. It flooded the NH coast, but really tore up a huge stretch of Maine. And as someone who spends a lot of time out there in those coastal spots - it's been really difficult seeing the destruction she's caused. Landmarks, parks, harbors, homes, workplaces- all demolished. In some cases, they've even fallen in to the sea.
One of my favorite spots in Maine is in South Portland, overlooking Willard Beach and the famous fish shacks that sit on the edge of the water.
All three of them fell into the surf on Saturday.
Heres a couple of shots I took in much colder weather (-23 degrees) last year, and a few years ago.
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
I hear they will be rebuilt, so that's a good thing. And in true New England fashion- the places affected along the NH and ME coasts will clean it up, rebuild, and start again.
We're New Englanders. It's what we do. We carry on.
And after a week of seeing nothing but destruction of places I loved, I thought I'd get out on Sunday - after Saturday's storm- and see if I could see Mother Natures better, more gentle side. The sun was going to rise at about 7:13am, so I got out to Marginal Way in Ogunquit - and sat down to watch the surf crash against the rocks as the sun rose. My thinking was - the sun on the waves would be a good reminder of how beautiful she can be, instead of how dangerous.
And it worked.
I also got to photograph some local surfers out along Ogunquit Beach. They were shot at a great distance- so the faces aren't as clear as I'd like- but I still liked the feel of the shots-
This guy was trying to get up on a wave when a dude cut almost in front of him!
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
But he made it anyway -
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
We celebrated my Mom's 89th birthday with a little surprise family party!
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
And this is only PART of the family!!! Holy crap, we're about 5 shy of a friggin MILITIA!! Happy Birthday to the OG Queen - Connie!
Also got a surprise call from my longtime friend Bob who dropped in on my brother and I's Friday lunch!
Bob and I have been friends since high school back in the 1800's!!!
Oh, and here's a photo from an email I got from Littleton NH - notice anything?
Now Im not supporting defacing anyones property.....but I have to admit- I kind of laughed at this...... hahah...
On Monday, I didn't do squat. Except watched the Bills game - which they are winning as I write this.
Hope you had a good weekend-