Greg Kretschmar

Greg Kretschmar

Listen to Greg & The Morning Buzz weekdays 5:30am-10am!Full Bio


My Weekend: Moving, Deliveries, Penguins, a Storm and Butterflies

The snow just stopped as I write this. Everything died down this afternoon- but then it stepped up again and Im pretty sure we got more than a foot of snow here! That means, like everybody- I spent the afternoon watching Bill Belichick's last game with the Patriots, and snowblowing the driveway. Ugh. Sheered a pin too. Gotta get after that tomorrow -

But the weekend? It was pretty good! Helped our son Tyler move into a new place. It was a pretty easy move - partly because we had some help!

Thanks to my nephew Hunter of William C Huff moving, and a few friends - we knocked the job out in no time!

Oh, and me?

I let the young guys do they heavy s***!!! Haha- it's one of the benefits of being the most senior of citizens!!!

So there we are, moving stuff in, and setting it up - and all of a sudden my wife comes into the room like this-

"I found it in an open box!!!" hahah - Gotta love her! (Well, I do.....but you would too if you knew her!)

I did go out early on Saturday morning before the move started-

But I didn't get jack. And when that happens- you take a pic of yourself. Obv.

After the move - Valerie made some Shephards Pie for my parents so they could have it during the storm. So - I delivered it. And when I got there- Arnie had just got done baking some bread!

"You want one?", he says!

"Ummm - YEAH!! Thank you very much!". My old man a good loaf of bread!!

On Sunday - I headed out into the storm to see if I could get something good with the camera. The wind and snow where WHIPPING! The kind that stings your face and makes it hard to even keep your eyes open, but I got a few shots that make you feel like you're out in the s***!

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

It's always fun to be out with the camera when most people are hunkered down in their houses! Always makes for a great morning!

And we rounded it off with a late breakfast at Cafe Espresso in Portsmouth!

Where a giant butterfly landed on my head, apparently....

So it wasn't the busiest of weekends, and we did get to chill a bit - we still had some fun.

Hope you had a chance to do the same -


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