Normally, I'm not a "moon" guy.
That stems from photography, for me. I always find it challenging to photograph. I'm not a guy that takes a pic of the moon, then one of something else and them puts the two together. Im not knocking that- it's just not something I do (hell, I dont even know HOW to do that! haha).
Regardless- the "Blue" Moon that rose last night just happened to be staring me in the face when I left a pizza place in Dover after hanging with some folks that have taken Lend a Helping Can Buzz Photo Walks with me. So- I decided to shoot it. Just the moon. Nothing else. I wanted to see how much detail I could get out of it.
Turns out- a pretty good amount.
If there's a way you can zoom in on these- you can see some pretty cool formations on the surface.
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
From what I understand it's called a "BLUE MOON" because its the 2nd full moon in one month.
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
And so there you go.
I'm not a moon guy, but last night I was. haha