Greg Kretschmar

Greg Kretschmar

Listen to Greg & The Morning Buzz weekdays 5:30am-10am!Full Bio


What I Did On My Summer Vacation...

Hi Stranger!

I feel like we haven't talked in forever! It didn't help that I got Covid the week before vacation! But it cleared up and I was good to go, thank goodness.

Anyway- hope you are well! It was a bit of a whirlwind week for us because we spent a few days down on The Outer Banks in North Carolina. And wouldn't you know it? We just happened to be there during the THREE FRIGGIN HOTTEST DAYS OF THE YEAR SO FAR!!! 109 degrees on Kitty Hawk- with humidity so thick it was like SOUP! Crap, I sweat just thinking about something! You get up and head down for breakfast and you had to change your shirt afterward because it was drenched from humidity! Ugh!

Having said that- what are ya gonna do, right? You deal with it - but I had to give you an idea of how hot it was! Beautiful place - for sure. We went down to see the wild horses that are on the reserve on the northern part of the OXB. We stayed in Corolla, so the horses were close by. I'll be posting more about that- but here's one pic from what we saw -

These Spanish horses have been on the Outer Banks since the 1800's. Human interaction is forbidden by law so these things stay wild and not domesicated.

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Gorgeous, right? More on that in another post.

We had a great time on the beaches -

and chilling with a morning coffee -

And here's one of the shots from the sunrise I took in at the beach -

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

When we got back - I was flipping thru the channels the night we got home and stumbled into AEW Wrestling!


Holy s**t! Where's Jim Ross when you need him! I was doing my best JR impression watching this! "OHHHHH MY GAHHHHHHWWWD NO! NOT THE TABLE!!!! IT'S MAYHEM BY GAAWWWWD MAYHEMMMMM!"

All these dudes come running out and get put down - and I have no idea who anyone of these guys are (ok, I recognized a couple names!)! Anyway- Jeff Jarrett won (I think) - but I can't tell you how he did it. Looked like they just said - "Yeah Jeff Won" - and that was in.

And worst of all? NOBODY DIED! It said right in the title - TEXAS CHAINSAW DEATH MATCH!! - WTF'S UP WITH THAT? AEW should be ashamed of themselves for that kind of blatant false advertising!!! hahah -

Moving on - vacation didn't mean we stopped the Brew Tour! We had a blast at Woodland Farms Brewery in Kittery!

Then hit up Roberts Maine Grill for some steamers and lobster sliders....

Did a sunrise run up to Old Orchard Beach to catch a sunrise under the pier there....

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Then did a sunrise at Rye Harbor (pics to come) and a boat trip out to the Isles of Shoals.... (aboard the Uncle Oscar- great boat right out of Rye gets you there in 30 minutes!)

If you've never been out there - it's a gorgeous island thats great for day trips, walking and hiking around, or chilling and reading a book.

We ended vacation with a bit of a tradition: local lobster, bought right off the boat, and local corn the cob. Please support your local farms and fisheries!!!

And I'll end with this - with all the rain we've been getting - I know one thing -

Our garden is kicking ass!

heh heh heh....

Hope you had a good weekend-


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