The weekend was a blur, I can't lie- hahah -
Valerie, Cait and Ty and I were invited to our friends son's wedding up in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont - in St. Johnsbury. It was an absolute blast that went from 4p-1am!
Before get to the wedding- we figured- LETS HIT A BREWERY! And so RED BARN BREWING COMPANY it was!
Red Barn Brewing is in Danville VT, right on Rt 2. The staff was wicked nice- and we got pizza and a beer- BOTH of which were excellent! The "O Brien" was the favorite brew.
And then it was time for the wedding-
We did some dancin', lots of laughing- and lots of - well, drinkin'. Haha! Not me though- I was the DD. Congratulations to Scott and Cat - it was a beautiful wedding in an old barn on a gorgeous hillside. Yeah- it did rain quite a bit.....
And the party got rippin too - which was a blast!
You feel me?
Yeah. I think you do.
We spent Friday night out in Portsmouth, forgoing the Brew Tour this week with our friends Gary and Lorraine. Instead we had dinner in Dover, then hit Portsmouth to walk around a bit- and we ended up in this cool place that just opened- called - "The Hearth Food Garden". It's awesome! Its a really cool, hip take on a cafeteria - except the food is all good stuff (this ain't the Golden Corral, folks). This food is good!! And all of the furniture is really cool! They've got everything from couches to swings (yeah- I said "swings") - and it's all in a building diagonally across from Moe's Italian Sandwich Shop! Here's a quick phone pic -
I'll definitely be back - the place is awesome. (GOOD coffee, too!)
Portsmouth is just a beautiful city to walk around in on a nice summer night-
On Sunday morning, after getting back to the hotel at 1am - I got up at 4am to head out and see if Mother Nature would give me something - even though the forecast looked like crap!
So I headed to where the fog hadn't descended - and I ended up in Peacham for sunrise. Here's a peak at what I got -
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Not bad at all!
And when we got home - late sunday afternoon- this is what I zoned out to before I my eyelids shut for a good nap:
Axe Throwing!!
These cats were good! I was sitting there thinking- they could work in a store and be Loss Prevention Specialists! All it takes for word to get out that ONE shoplifted got an AXE IN THE BACK for shoplifting, and that theft problem would cease! (Just an idea!)
So right now it's 9:35p and I can barely keep my eyes open - so Im hitting the rack.
I'll be asleep in 4 minutes, and if I don't show up in the morning- start without me!