Greg Kretschmar

Greg Kretschmar

Listen to Greg & The Morning Buzz weekdays 5:30am-10am!Full Bio


My Weekend: Brews, Bears, Baseball, Burgers and The Famous Uncle Maurice

Is it just me, or did this weekend fly by? Like, I think I could use another day off just to round it out, how about you?

(Sorry - just more campaigning for the 3 day weekend for everybody, thats all! And by the way, since it seems like no work place can find anyone to do the jobs there - wouldnt this be a good way to attract more people to that specific job? I mean- if you're thinking of taking a job on, wouldn't you go for the one with a 3 day weekend? See? Im solving the friggin problems of the world! - But- I digress...)

So it was a pretty good weekend! Got a lot of stuff in- but Friday night we resumed the Brew Tour, and this week we ended up in New Durham NH- down a long dirt road- to a place called MUDDY ROAD BREWING!

Valerie and I went with our friends Lorraine and Gary - and had some really good beer (yeah, I'm saying that!) and met some really nice folks! *Special shout out to Annie at Muddy Road Brewery!

Be forwarned- they don't serve food there (but they're working on getting a pizza truck soon) - but it's still a nice little place with some cool folks to hang out with! (And you can always bring your own food if you like!

Saturday morning, Valerie jumped in the truck we me and we headed north at 4am to catch an early morning on Sugar Hill. I always make a trek up there in June to check out the lupine bloom. This year, the bloom was a little disappointing so I never even shot any with the camera. But that's ok - because we did meet up with THIS guy -

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Let me tell you right now - THAT - is a big bear!!! We first saw him on a backroad- and he was about 10 feet off my drivers door- standing up on a rock wall! He caught us by surprise - and when I went to pull my camera up - he beat feet back into the woods! But PATIENCE, my friend- is the name of the game with shooting wildlife. So - I took a couple passes up and down the same road- then waited a bit for one last one- and sure enough- there he was again. He crossed in front of us and went into the wood. I got out of the car and went to the edge of the woods- and he was about 30-35 yds away from me - and he was walking left to right in front of me. He stopped and stared for about 4 minutes- and I clicked away. The woods were dark, but then he stepped into a lighter spot. And here's the horizontal version of that same image-

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

Pretty cool to see a bear. A moose is cool, but a bear is always cooler (to me anyway).

After the dance with the bear- we headed for (of course) Pollys! Valerie was checking out the specials when I got her with the phone cam -

*And in case your wondering- I got a short stack of blueberry pancakes, with REAL maple syrup, and thick cut bacon. Bam. That just happened!

Then it was down to Manchester to catch my niece's son Evan's NHIAA Baseball Championship game. Evan plays for Newmarket, and they were playing against Littleton. It was a really close game, and Littleton rallied back from a 5-0 deficit to almost tie the game with 2 outs (and bases loaded) in the bottom of the 7th - but Newmarket held on for the win - so congrats to the Mules!

We took my parents out for dinner on Saturday night - and then on Sunday - we met with Valerie's Uncle Maurice for breakfast.

Uncle Maurice- might just be the coolest cat on the planet. Down to earth, smart as hell, and pretty damn funny too! He's definitely one of my favorite Uncles!

So let me introduce you all to THE WORLD FAMOUS- UNCLE MAURICE!!! (Close friends call him "Mo", but I call him "Bro" - because we're tight like that...haha.)

He's serisouly one of the kindest, nicest, most gentle human beings on the planet.

And the rest of Sunday was spent doing yard and pool stuff around the house.

We ended the weekend with some burgers on the Blackstone Griddle Grill with Tyler and Morgan-

I'd give the weekend 8 out of 10 stars- which is pretty damn good!

How was your weekend?


ps. I forgot - here's something else I did on Friday afternoon

Photo: Greg Kretschmar

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