First off, in all fairness, I can NOT be expected to go Christmas shopping the Saturday after Buzzball. There. I said it.
However- because I do my best to be a good husband to my awesome wife - I went. I did go into one store, but I couldn't do any more, so I waited in the car. I think thats how I help her when we go shopping. Otherwise- Im the guy that just follows her around and watches her look at everything in the store. Then she says that I'm "pressuring her" because she can hear my sighs of frustration (I honestly didn't think she could hear me from 10 feet behind her...hahah). So - I do the right thing and wait in the car. And....after the week we had, with Buzzball and the late night (and whiskey) that followed - I slept in the car.
Saturday night we celebrated Tylers 28th birthday by going out with Ty, Cait, and Tyler's girlfriend Morgan. Valerie had heard of this really cool place in Eliot ME called "Winter Wonders" at Sandy Hill Farm where you take about a mile long walk through the woods - and the entire place is spectacularly lit in Christmas lights! Its a beautiful place!
Seriously- a really nice place to take the family! Google it and go (and it would be even better in the snow!)
I did take a moment to "smell" the electronic flowers...
Followed that up with a little Maine Lobster (because I SUPPORT THE NEW ENGLAND LOBSTERING INDUSTRY), and steak!
Had a nice birthday dinner at Anneka Jans in Kittery Maine.
Sunday morning- I watched the entire World Cup Final between France and Argentina - and IT WAS INCREDIBLE! They're calling it the best World Cup Final in history, and I don't doubt it! France came back from a 2-0 deficit to tied it, and then tied it AGAIN after Argentina went ahead in the final minutes! Overtime passed and it went to a shootout- and Argentina won. It was a wicked exciting game and I was glad Messi finally got the Cup! Check out the goal - and the foreign announcers (sorry- don't know if they're Argentinian or not, but I'd be willing to be they were based on how they lost their minds!)!!
Thats pretty damn cool!
Before I watched the game, I did get a chance to go out and do some shooting- and here's a couple I got.
Headed to Ogunquit to shoot the Footbridge....which they lit for the first time for Christmas...
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
and this one....
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Right now though, Im watching the Patriots- and Im getting pretty frustrated watching it. Calling a time out just before we score a td? Slow play calling? Miscommunication?
S***- this is hard to watch!! But I ain't giving up!
Bed early tonight though. Still dealing with a head cold....
Hope you had a good weekend -