After a long ass week, we flew pretty close to home all weekend, with the exception of an event I hosted on Saturday night.
I was the moderator at an exclusive showing of the movie THE PRINCESS BRIDE at the SOLD OUT Capitol Center for the Arts in Concord. 1200+ people showed up to see the movie, and then watch a Q&A with the star of the movie CARY ELWES. I came out and greeted the crowd, then after the movie- Cary came out and sat down. He had some great behind the scenes stories about Andre The Giant, and the other stars of the movie! (thanks to Lisa for letting me use her pics! I didn't get any of us on stage!)
And here we are backstage- he asked for a photo with me (of course), and I just looked at him and said...
"As you wish...."
Cary was a nice guy, and the sold out audience seemed to eat it up. A fun night!
ps. That's Cary on the left. A LOT of people mistake us for one another. It happens....
And on Sunday - before the Pats game, I got some yard stuff done. Readied the pool for closing and cleaned out the shed.
And here's a question, where does all the shit in your shed come from? I mean - where did all this crap come from! So I figure Im gonna do a dumpster run to the old station to get rid of all the junk into our dumpster. They demo teams were inside the old building cleaning it out, so my stuff will fit right in - haha.... but look what I found there!
And like I said...
Billy Joel, I ain't.
And if you're wondering what our old studio looks like.... here she is -
And before you ask, no, Im not bummed about it. (SEE THE VIDEO above for the explanation)
The rest of Sunday was the obvious....
Nice win by the Pats.
And we celebrated with my favorite meal on the planet.
Shepherds Pie.
And YES, thats CREAMED CORN baby. Because that's the way God INTENDED Shepherds Pie to be eaten,
If you don't use creamed corn in this dish, I can only deduct that you were dropped on your head when you were young. It's ok, though. Its not your fault. (You food savage...)
Hope you had a good weekend-
Love ya. Mean it.