That's really all I can say about The Chaos and Kindness Sky Show. It was a record setter, for sure, bringing in 50,000+ people into Manchester!
This pic was taken about 5p and the crowds kept coming! So much so, they had to stop letting people in due to crowd concerns!
Everything about the day was amazing: the crowd, the WEATHER, the music, the people, the activities, and the record setting fireworks!
The performances were great, and Recycled Percussion brought it all home with a killer show. Hats off to Justin Spencer and the guys for pulling this event off in just a few months. It was a kick ass day!
Oh, and this guy showed up! You know what's amazing? When you are out with Kelly - and people meet him for the first time- and they finally realize that the stuff he says and does on the air is NOT a put-on! Haha~
Thats what makes KCB the genuine article! He's the guy who forgets where he put his "God damned glasses!" - (when they are right there above his friggin forehead!)
Still - I love the guy!!
I also love this guy -
And yeah, I said I'd do the DUNK TANK- and I am a man of my word!!! So here's one of the MANY times I ate it!
Here's a couple of pics my friend Lizz Ellis (Lizz Ellis Photography) got of the action....
Check out this dude who's about to put me down like the friggin Titanic!!
and BAM -
(can you see my nuts in this pic???? Nahhhhhh - no way!!)
I gave props to the dude - but WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THE WAY MY FRIGGIN LEGS LOOK!!!
I have chicken legs - this makes my legs look like GIANT MANATEE PENISES!!! Holy crap, where did they get that plexi glass window, the Deerfield Fair Midway? WTF!!!
(Oh, and here's Lizz. She's very good, and really nice. See some of her work HERE.)
And heres another offering from a Mike Hanlon - (it was fun Mike!)
Met a lot of nice folks, like Caylee, here...isn't she adorable???
and this Ax thrower....
Jus' kiddin. I don't meet people throwin axes. What am I? A moron? I meet em, and one axe bounces back 20 feet and plants is self in either skull, my sternum, or my testes. Im out.
I did take some photos of Gary Hoey while he was playing..... (he crushed it too, by the way)
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
And Recycled Percussions performance? Oh, just you're average show using saws and sparks, drumming while suspended in the air, rollerskates, grocery carts, giant ladders, lasers and high energy acrobatics. The usual..... hahaha.
I got exhausted just watching the guys....
Oh, i did other really cool stuff this weekend too. Played a little hardcore bad ass lawnmower guy on Friday...
I don't care if I have a postage stamp lawn.....I only roll with the best. I'd a had my JD hat on too if I knew where it was...haha....
On Sunday, I didn't do jack except look for hiking shoes, and you don't need to be bored to death with that.
But seriously- I want to say a couple of THANK YOU's -
- To Justin Spencer and Recycled Percussion- for putting on an incredible event that brought people in the community together for a great day of fun and entertainment. It was a huge task, with many doubters (I had some reservations of my own in the beginning- thats how hard doing this stuff is!)- but he/they pulled it off flawlessly. A huge tip of the cap to you guys-
- And a Thank You to everyone I met there that listens to the show - many, having done so for DECADES. Thanks for being part of our radio family. We always love meeting you and getting the chance to hang and chat!
Hope you guys had a great weekend too!