Well I'm gonna start by telling you that I had no desire whatsoever to do ANYTHING when it's 98 degrees out.
Just let me be at one with the ac unit, and I'll be fine. Matter of fact, I don't think anyone did LESS than me on Saturday.
Here's what my day consisted of:
- I binged watch this show right here...
AWESOME show. No bullshit "Survivor" type contests, or challenges or any of that nonsense. Just 10 people dropped of in the middle of nowhere - and the one who survives the longest without "tapping out" wins $500,000. They all film themselves- and it was amazing to watch. I'm not done Season 8 yet, but I'm getting close. I watched it on Netflix, but its on History Channel when new ones run. I can't get enough of that show.
and 2. I went to the liquor store to buy these....
Don't even ask me why or what for because I ain't saying jack s***. I just think its funny that I bought em....
Oh, and while we were out and it was mid afternoon - we hit THE BEACH PLUM - because, well....
Sometimes you just need fried clams.
Saturday night was an early night because I had a very early morning on Sunday.
I got up at 1:30a, and was on the road by 1:47a, headed to Mt Washington for one of their two "Sunrise Drives". They open up the auto road twice a year for folks to drive up and see the sunrise from the highest point in New England (and the east coast?). It's a 2 hr drive for me - so i got in there just before they opened up at 4am. If you've never been - you should go. It's an amazing experience and you never know what you'll get weather-wise. Here's the first thing I did - drove to the summit and got up and climbed up to the actual summit ....
1 of 1
Thats where I met a nice couple - Miles and Kylie (jeez- I hope I got their names right!!). I helped them take a couple of pics at the summit, and they got one of me. Nice to meet you both!!!
Then I left the summit and headed down to shoot the sunsrise. It was about 57 degrees- which is WAY above the normal temp on early mornings. Put it this way - I had long johns on with a winter parka
in my car- just in case. I've froze my nuts off up there in July before- so you have to come prepared. Anyway - here's a couple I shot with the camera -
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
This is what it looked like from about 6000 ft just as the sun rose over the horizon. It's the coolest experience to see from up there! And there's tons of things to shoot too - like the trail markers...
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
and the road itself....
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
And I also met these to guys on the mountain....
Jerrame Goddard of Somersworth and Jerermy Morel of Hooksett were up there shooting the sunrise too, and we ended up in the same place! Nice guys! Jeremy is a former intern from WHEB too! Cool to see you up there!
Being up there at the start of the day is a very cool thing to experience. If you havent done it - go in August - their second and last chance for the year. Google Mt Washington Surnise Drives for more info.
Oh, and to answer the question I got all day Sunday - was "No, my car was not involved in the 3 car fire at the summit". I went to the summit just behind the 3 cars that caught fire. I left pretty quickly to get into a spot to shoot the sunrise - so I never saw the fire. I heard about it - stiff winds blew the car fire from one vehicle to the two next to it. It was insane. What I did see though- was the towtruck that took the burned Jeep Cherokee down the mountain -and it was totally destroyed!
Oh, and since it was Sunday - I went to church...
Lastly- it was nice to get rewarded after a hard morning "takin' pitchas" - as Roadkill says.
I drove up 6000+ feet high- and all i got was this bumper sticker...
Hope you had a good weekend-